Chapter 1: First glances

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Hi guys, this is my first fan fiction, I'm kinda new to this thing butttt I'm going to try my best :)

I do not own any of these characters accept the one I describe and use as myself. I may or may not follow the exact storyline of the book by James Dashner, so keep that in mind when reading (If you read the description you would already know this XD)

Also thought I'd mention that the POV changes from different characters so keep an eye out

Mkay baii

---omg y'all I'm editing this sh*t four-ish years after first publishing it (the original A/N that started this all, how nostalgic :')) and this is so cringy! Did I actually use *'s to describe an action? Someone come and hold me while I try my best to edit this without crying lol

And hello to any new readers! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my book! It's currently under slow renovations (as I was actually about 12 when I first started writing this, and now being 16 and having read a lot more, I'd like to think my writing has improved a bunch. Also, the first few chapters will probably seem familiar because I read a lot of Minho x Reader back in the day and wasn't as creative / individual with my own plot, so bear with it, it works itself out !), and I'd also like to pre-warn you about the slow updates (I'm struggling with writers block kms). Anyway, I won't prolong your reading any further, please enjoy! mwah ~~


~(Y/N) ((Your POV))

Darkness. This is the first thing that hits you after constantly falling in and out of consciousness for what's felt like hours. You've been trapped in this dark cuboid, a grating sound filling you ears the whole time. You felt too dizzy to get up, so when a drowning sensation started to take over your body, each and every gulp of air seeming heavier than the last, you gratefully allow yourself to slip into emptiness once again.

And the only question making your mind spin just like the musty air around you is;
Who am I?


"Is this shucking tree ever gonna come down?" Gally asked himself, his arms beginning to show signs of fatigue after hacking away at this tree for an hour now. He could've sworn the axe was getting heavier and heavier each time he swung. He sighed deeply. Come on Gally, you're not that weak.. a voice inside his head teases. "Shut up!" he whispered to himself, "just foc-"

"Hey Gally, you hear that?" A fellow builder called out to him, but he was too annoyed with himself to remember what his name was. Surely enough, he heard the sounds of the sirens crying; music to his ears. There would be a new greenie to tease and pretty much bully.

He slammed his axe into the ground, releasing some of the anger that had built up. He jogged lightly over the box, where other gladers were also gathered around him, waiting for the doors to open.


Your breathing was slow. Were you dying? Was this what it felt like, to die? Was this drowning feeling finally going to leave you...? Light slowly spilled in around you, seeping through the cracks in the ceiling and your eyelids. Your eyes remained glued shut.

"Another girl?!" A low, scratchy voice called.

"Is she hot?" Came another.

"I think she's dead."

There was a silence.

Suddenly, your eyes snapped open, the bolting light blinding you for a moment and you raised your arm to block it out. Gradually, your eyes adjusted. Your breathing slowed, almost stopping altogether.
Everybody's eyes were on you.

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