Chapter 18: Bait

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He had so many questions for Y/N when she woke up. Yet all he could do was sit there and wait for her to do so.


A knocking at your door woke you up the next morning. You turned towards the noise, your body stiff from lying on the thinly stuffed mattress that was placed on top of your bunk bed. You yawned and brought your hands above your head to stretch as you sat up, checking the time on your digital watch. 07:01. Why they had to wake you up at such a time every day you never understood, but grudgingly accepted and climbed down the ladder of your bunk before slipping out of your night-wear and into the usual; plain pale coloured t-shirt and jogger like pants, accompanied by lace up pumps. You sighed, waiting for the door to unlock itself to allow you to get breakfast.

While you waited, you checked off yesterday from your calendar, notifying you that it was Saturday today. You smiled knowingly - they always let you have more breaks on Saturdays - so you and Minho could probably have another adventure date and go to one of your hideaway places.

Finally the light above the door flashed green and the lock flicked open, allowing you to leave the dorm and enter the corridor to get your breakfast. The long beam lights that were never turned off hummed in the background as you walked, filling in for the silence that would otherwise be present.

You made your way through the hallways, subconsciously knowing exactly where to go. You could probably find your way around in your sleep. Soon you were lining up with the others who were awake, gripping a tray in your hand as you waited for your turn to get food. A few more people joined you, queueing behind you, and with them you spotted Minho and smiled gently at him. However, he looked like he hadn't slept all that well. You frowned. What would he have been thinking about that could make him- oh. You remembered what Ava had talked to you about the previous day and your stomach immediately dropped.

"Hey! Do you want your food or not?" The masked woman behind the counter questioned, pulling you out of your thoughts and back into the present. You mumbled an apology before placing your tray flat so that she could scoop onto it whatever was on offer today. You moved your tray along when she was finished so that the next person could place something else on your tray. Lastly, you grabbed the cup of water with your name on it like you did everyday and sighed, tired from being upset yesterday. You trudged to your usual table and placed your tray on the metal surface, waving Minho over when he'd got his food too. You took a sip of your drink while you waited.

You smiled sadly at him, bringing one of your hands to cup his that was resting atop the table. He looked up at you through his lashes and smiled back, the lines barely reaching his eyes.

"Thank god it's Saturday, I don't think I could manage another day without seeing you for this long.." his voice was quieter than usual and you felt your heart sink. Working with WCKD hadn't been all that bad, not until Ava wanted a baby from you two. You hadn't seen him so sullen in such a long time that it was hard to remember the last.

"Where should we go this time?" You tried to encourage him to talk, to take his mind off of the subject.

He looked to be in deep thought for a few moments before speaking. "The Crypt?"

The Crypt wasn't anything scary like it sounded, it was just the fancy nickname Minho and you gave one of the storage closets that you frequented.

You shook your head. "We went there last time though.." your voice trailed off as you remembered the heated make out session that had occurred last Saturday and you felt pink creep up into your cheeks. He smirked gently at your expression.

"Are you thinking dirty thoughts about me again Y/N?" He quirked an eyebrow suggestively at you. As much as you found it embarrassing, you were glad to see that he didn't look grumpy anymore.

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