Chapter 3: The memory

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"I remember you.."


You're woken up by the morning commotion of the glade.
All you could remember from the past day was that dream you had, or was it a dream? More like a memory of some sort you think to yourself.

And... Minho, Minho was there, and he said he loved you..? What was going on? Were you two lovers, before your memory got wiped away?
Words were ringing through your mind, and you said them outloud, in misbelief, that you lied to your friends. "I'm sorry.. I'll be back before you know it, and when we do see each other, it'll be like nothing ever changed.." Why were you sorry? What did you do wrong? (A/N so many questions ohmai. K bai)

"I don't understand.." You whisper to youself, eyes fixed on the beige blanket that covered you up to your waist.

"Morning greenie!" A voice calls to you, obviously just entered the room. You look up to see Newt smiling at you from the door, a kind of smile that you can't help but return back to him. "Sleep well?" He asks, his back leaning against the wall, head cocked to the side.

"Yeah, I guess.. But.." You say, mentally consulting with yourself if you should tell him about the dream or not.
"But what?" He asks, his face straightening up.
"I had a.. A dream? But, it was more like a memory.. I think." You pull a face. Newt slowly walks to you and pulls the chair over that Minho was sat on before you fell asleep.
"Do you think you can explain it, or is it too painful for you?" He asks calmly, his accent more clear in his voice than usual.
"Yeah, I can explain it, I think." You say, preparing yourself for lots of words to come tumbling out of your mouth.

You look across to see Newt patiently waiting for you to begin. He gaze is soft as his brown eyes bore into yours.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Okay," you mumble, to yourself more than anyone.
You decide to pace yourself, not to rush but not to speak too slowly. "Well, I was.. strapped down onto a bed, a hospital bed, I think." You pause for a moment, pressing your brain to remember. "There were people in white suits, although I couldn't quite make out who they were or what they were doing.
There was this light above my head, it was so bright I could see hardly anything. Then there was this woman, I'm pretty sure she was standing on my right, and she told me they were gonna do something to me now. And then a guy asked me if I wanted to tell anyone anything before they started, and, and their voices were so monotone, so emotionless.. So I-" Your voice was cut off by the lump that was forming in your throat, and you felt so pathetic in front of Newt, but determined that you wouldn't break down. You take a breath, stealing a glance at him to see his deep brown eyes drilling into your own. Holding your breath, you break the eye contact and look down again, a tear welling up in your eyes.

All of a sudden, you feel something warm touch your right hand, and you immediately try to yank it back as a reflex. Your eyes snap to his, and for a moment, you're lost in his eyes, his warmth, his-

"You don't have to go on if you can't, Greenie." He inturrupts your train of thought, and in a way, you're glad.

You didn't realise till now that you were still holding your breath. Slowly, you breathe out, your breath shaky as you do so.

"Okay." You whisper, barely even audible.


You feel her hand grip yours, the tears beginning to fall down her delicate cheeks. She bites her bottom lip, sending a chill down your spine. God what is this girl doing to you?
Her body shakes as her tears cascade down her cheeks, and you can't help yourself but pull her into a tight hug. Her arms immediately slip around your torso, you hands resting on her upper back. Her sobs echo into your shoulder as you rub her back gently.

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