Chapter 19: Canned pineapple

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Trigger warning: depictions of gore and blood. <3

"We took Y/N's birth control out of her medication water on Thursday, and this morning, we increased some hormones diluted in the water to increase her sex drive, the same with Minho." She paused to laugh dryly. "They definitely took the bait. Lets see how Y/N's test goes and then progress from there - depending on her results."


"I wonder what she's remembering right now.." Newt mused from the side of the bed, looking at how Y/N seemed to be blushing, one of her hands gripping Minho's and the other pulling on the bed sheets. Her mouth was open slightly, her breathing heavy and louder than usual.

"Looks like she's having a wet dream or somin'," Ki-Tae snickered from beside Newt, earning him a smack on the arm. Minho's head shot up to glare at Ki-Tae, helplessly letting his  mind race with what him and Y/N could have done before coming to the maze. How far had they gone? He knew that they'd both said I love you but had they shared more intimate moments?

".. or, maybe she's bloody warm because we're all in here. Let's go get food and give her some peace."

Minho sighed, figuring that Newt was probably right. He rose to his feet reluctantly with the other two and was just heading out the door when he heard a moan that sounded unmistakably like you.

Immediately spinning round to look at you, he felt blood rush to his cheeks, hoping that Newt and Ki-Tae hadn't heard you as well. Definitely a wet dream.



After the incident in the auditorium, you and Minho both felt elated and energised, it had felt like ages since the last time you both shared a moment like that and so held onto the feeling for as long as possible. You were surprised that no one had caught you, or said anything to you about it. Honestly, you thought you'd gotten away with it. It was too easy to assume, but nothing as good as that had happened in a long time. Besides, you were on the pill, what could go wrong?


After two or three weeks, it was easy to forget what Ava Paige had said to you about trying to produce an immune baby. It seemed like she'd let the idea slip since your outraged reaction, maybe she'd reconsidered? Maybe for once she'd realised that you and the other candidates weren't just candidates at all, and that the pressure of your work was enough, never mind raising a child.

And after two or three weeks, it was easy to fall back into the routine of sleeping, eating, working, and spending time alone with Minho. Those four things were the only life that you could recall for years. Your past was a mere blur since WCKD had taken you from your disease ridden town, your disease ridden family, and into the safe hands of a company fighting to protect your future. Well, by 'safe', you were protected from all the free-roaming cranks and possible chances of death via clawing and abuse. An involuntary shudder rippled down your spine at the mere thought of coming face to face with one of their kind.

The thought pulled you back to a nightmare of a memory, sun flares having been baking the surface of the earth for several months now. You were 14 at the time, and incredibly lucky to still be by your mother and sisters side. The heat had driven you down into the basement of your multi-story apartment building, usually only venturing to the surface when the ceiling above you rattled with the fall of rain, booming thunder bellowing into the sky and echoing around the valley. It was then that you collected water, standing in the fallen archways of what once was the back entrance to the apartment building, watching the water droplets slip through your fingers and reminiscing how it felt to take a shower. How many times you'd taken for granted the simple task of turning on a tap to get a drink. You wondered if you'd ever be able to do that again.

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