Chapter 5: Don't do that!

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"I'm your girl, remember?"

"Where the shuck is Gally?" hollered Alby, who stood at the front of the gathering room with Newt by his side.
All the keepers were sat in a designated area on one side of the room, and the rest of the gladers, were sat on the opposite side.
You were placed right in front of Alby, as you were the one who had to explain your dream. Somehow word had managed to get round that you had a flashback after everyone saw you and Minho asleep next to each other by the fire.

You kept daring yourself to steal glances at Minho, who actually seemed quite content that you were so interested in him.
Although it wasn't like he couldn't stop staring at your either.

My girl.

"I'm here, calm down you shanks." It was Gally, you could tell even before you saw him, because of the harsh-ish tone of voice he seemed to have. It reminded you of what happened the night before. He sauntered round to the side of the room he was supposed to be sat, and dropped onto the chair, his body covered in sweat, the bags still visible under his eyes; evidence that last night did not go how he had planned it too.

It was the day after you'd explained to Minho what your dream was, and he seemed to be the only one calling you by your actual name.

You wondered if Gally could remember what he did last night. He looked like he'd had way too much to drink, his face still bruised from Minho hitting him last night. You winced. Minho had beaten up Gally. After he tried to get you to kiss him. You didn't really think that he deserved to be punched that badly, but this was Minho you were talking about. He cares about you. Of course he would protect you.

Other gladers were talking and mumbling about whether or not they "appeared in her dream" or if "maybe we were lovers too."
Eventually, after Alby cleared his throat for the third time, everyone fell silent. It was an eerie silence. You didn't like it.

"As you all already know, we're holding this gathering because the greenie-"

"Y/N." You and Minho grumbled at the same time, making you smile.

"Sorry, let me rephrase that." Said Alby sarcastically, smirking at the fact it was pissing you two off. "We're holding this gathering because Y/N," he paused, before letting out a chuckle and continuing, "had a dream or something, and she's going to explain it to us. It might help other people remember something too, and any memory is worth something."

Everyone was just staring at you after he said that. You definately didn't like the idea of so many pairs eyes on you, boring holes into the back of your head.

After ten minutes and a lot of snarky comments about you and Minho, you had finished explaining the dream. Everyone seemed to look disappointed, like they were expecting something more than what they were told.

Alby then dismissed everyone except you, Newt, and the keepers. So you were left in the room with Alby, Newt, Minho, Gally, Winston, Frypan, Zart and Clint. Minho had told you who all the keepers were before the gathering began, proudly naming himself one.

"So, what do we think of this? Who are these people, who are WICKED?" Asked Alby, his eyes scanning all seven of them.

Gally broke the silence.

"I've seen the word WICKED somewhere before.." he paused, and you bit your lip, anticipating what he would say next. "And as for Y/N and Minho.. I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea."

Minho stares daggers at him, and you're about to open your mouth to argue when Alby shoots you a look, reminding you that you're not actually allowed to talk.

"Yeah. That word is everywhere on our supplies. Even seen it on the back of those beetle blades that spy on us." Says Frypan, seeming to ignore the last part of what Gally had said.

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