Chapter 11: This one is strangely familiar

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The gentle drumming of his heart slowly lulled you to sleep, the feeling of falling for Minho being what filled your dreams.

Two weeks had gone by. You and Minho were still together, your feelings for him were still strong as ever. You made him promise not to risk making it back in time ever again. Thankfully he agreed.

You were sat in the med-jacks station, rolling up fresh bandages, daydreaming of Minho. You two had been getting pretty close (A/N *wink wink* ;)), and everything seemed to be perfect. Gally had started to understand that you were with Minho, and Newt was still a really good friend. Maybe being here wasn't so bad after all.

A blaring siren stole your train of thought, and you saw everyone crowding around the box, the place you came to the glade in. Quickly glancing around, you placed the bandage you were rolling up on the table and ventured outside with everyone else. You pushed your way to the front of the crowd to stand next to Newt, who glanced sideways at you, offering a small smile. You returned it, then turned to look at the inner metal doors that were now opening. Alby and Gally lifted up the metal mesh panels, exposing light onto the new greenie.

You gasped as his eyes opened, locking with yours.


Newt turned to look at you again, a look of confusion crossing his face. Whispers broke out all around.

"What the shuck is Minho doing in the box..?"

"Isn't he in the maze?"

"What's going on?"

"... Minho..?" You whispered.


When Alby had finished giving the new greenie the usual tour, you slowly approached him, who was sat on his own in the eating area, eyes glued to his food.

"Hey.. Greenie.." You said trying the word that everyone had been using on you up until this moment.

He looked up slowly. "Hi.."

You set your tray down opposite him and sat down. Immediately you notcied how he held himself differently to Minho, who would've been full of confidence, but this guy, he could barely hold eye contact with you. His hair was different, too.

He glanced at you when you didn't say anything, and cleared his throat because you were staring at him.

"Why does everyone keep c-calling me Minho? And... Greenie?"

You sighed. "He's another glader, you just look a lot like him... And greenie is just what they call the newest glader. Which used to be me." You smiled. "Nice to be called by my actual name, y'know?"

He nodded.

"But you can't remember your name, right?" He nodded again. "So I'd rather call you greenie than someone else's name, if your name was Minho I'm pretty sure you'd recognise it." Once again, he nodded, continuing to struggle maintaining eye contact with you.

A silence passed.

"When will I remember my name?"


"We'll just wait until the Runners come back, Y/N.. We don't know for sure if the greenie's even Minho." Exclaimed Newt, as you two waited near the doors for Minho.

"I know it's not him, Newt." You stated bluntly. "He's completely different to Minho."

Newt sighed. "We don't know what WICKED can do, Y/N. Maybe they can change him completely."

You looked sharply at Newt. "He's not that weak. He would fight them. He would never let anyone do that to him." The last words came out as a mere whisper as you realised Newt was probably right.

"Tom!" Exclaimed Teresa who had been stood near the doors with you and Newt. She gripped his hand, pulling him along and they walked off together for their dinner.

As if on queue, your stomach growled and you wrapped your hands around your waist. "How much longer is he gonna be." You groaned, leaning your head on Newt's arm as you were a lot smaller than him.

Newt chuckled and turned to look towards the eating area. "You could go get some food and I'll wait he-"

"Minho!!" You all but screamed, half tearing yourself away from Newt as you ran towards Minho. You jumped up and clung to him, his usual smell surrounding you - as well as sweat - but it gave you a lot of reassurance that your Minho was still there.

"Woah! Someone's happy to see me.." Exclaimed Minho in his typical confident voice, although he was still a little out of breath.

"About that.." Mumbled Newt from the side of you.

"New greenie?"

You nodded, "yeah.. Except this one is strangely familiar."


A pair of arms found their way around your waist and you melted into Minho's touch. He lifted you up and then sat so you were lying next to him.

"How'd it go?" You whispered after a few minutes of silence and the sounds of your breathing.

"Minho?" When you didn't get a reply you slowly turned round in his arms so that you were facing him. "Hey, are you okay?" His gorgeous eyes were open and he was staring up at the sky, he looked lost in thought, so you just lay there next to him, tracing circles on his lower chest with your thumb.

"I think he's my brother." He stated at least five minutes later, eyes locking with yours. You nodded and tightened your arms around him. You didn't know what to say, but you felt Minho would appreciate the silence. He probably felt so confused, maybe guilty for forgetting he had a brother.

Your eyes felt heavy and you let out a quiet yawn, followed by the sound of chuckling from Minho. Using his thumb to tilt your head up, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight Minho."



He woke up like usual, limbs tangled with Y/N's. She was laying with her face pressed against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around him. He smiled to himself and contemplated not getting up at all and staying in the hammock with her all day. He sighed, eyes drawn to the newt greenie who was sleeping peacefully a few hammocks away. His supposed brother. Brother.

"When did I end up with a brother?" He whispered harshly to himself, which was followed by a quiet moan that came from Y/N as she pulled him impossibly closer to herself. He grinned and cuddled her to his bare chest for a few more minutes before he decided he couldn't wait any longer as the walls would open soon and he couldn't waste any time. As he tried to get up she whimpered and almost clawed at him, not wanting him to go. Eventually, she let him go, however he didn't leave before kissing her forehead and draping one of his shirts around her to keep her warm. She snuggled into it, smiling in her sleep. Minho bit his lip, feeling as though his heart was going to melt.

"See you later, shuckface." He whispered, before turning away to run the maze once again.


I really wanted to get this chapter out becayse it's LostInADriveway 's and Kaya's birthday today and I felt it was very important. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUYS!

I didn't realise how long it's been since I last updated, I'm so sorry!

However I hope you like this chapter, my friend and I (NassrinaMasoud ) were discussing plot ideas and this idea of Minho having a (twin) brother came up and I just loved it so here it is.


Please vote and comment if you want to find out more about Minho's mysterious twin ;)

Photo on the side is obv of my favourite ship ever *dies*

Next update: I have no idea xD


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