Chapter 7: I think most of us already are

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(A/N Thought I'd mention that from now on, the only POV that's written as 'you' will be when it'd in your perspective. All the other gladers will now be written in 3rd person because it's easier for me. Okay enjoy~ )

"I should go.. I think Frypan's serving up dinner." And with that, you turned and left a clueless Gally behind, still stood there as if you'd never left.

The following day

You followed Newt and Alby to the 'Slicers', where Winston greeted you the best he could and ushered you inside, obviously ready to enjoy showing you around. Newt gave you one last glance, with what looked like an amused smirk plastered on his face. From what you could recall, you hated murdering animals. You weren't too bothered with blood or anything, but seeing a poor helpless animal being killed against its will made you angry. It wasn't fair.

Save the rants for another time, you repeat over and over in your head, another time.

Winston explained where different animals were raised, and you were fascinated with all the variety. Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkey; these were only the main species you could remember the names of. He showed you how to feed them, and how they are cleaned out.

When he got to the dreaded part of cutting up an animal for cooking, you turned your head away, even though you still heard the unmistakable thump of the blade slicing off the chicken's head.


"C'mon greenie, you need to eat something." Gally said, as he sat across from you with Newt next to him. You could tell Newt didn't really like his presence. Almost like he was.. Jealous. Everyone had heard of what happened between you and Gally, some people even saying that you two made out. You denied all of the rumours, embarrassed by how close you let Gally get to you without even realising how dangerous that was. If all the gladers knew how easy it would be to take advantage of you, you'd be screwed.

"I'm not hungry." You mumbled, pulling the carrots and green beans (A/N pun NOT intended) around your plate in their gravy. "Not after today's events. Nuh uh." You say, shaking your head and placing your fork down, pushing the plate away.

Gally looked at you with his eyebrows raised. "Do I need to feed you myself?" He asked, before picking up your fork and piling a few carrots onto it. "C'mon Y/N, open wide." He lifted the fork and moved it towards your mouth, but you put your hand in the way to stop him. He pulled a face and you laughed.

"Gally, I'm not hung-" He grabbed your hand and pulled it out of the way, and tipped the carrots into your mouth. He quickly moved the fork away to pick up some more.

"Now chew."

You do as he says and chew, but roll your eyes at him. Newt laughs at you and Gally smirks, getting ready to spoon another pile into your mouth just to annoy you more.

You dare yourself to glance at Minho, who has his head down, merely picking at his food.

Looking back at Gally, you take some more food, actually feeling better now that you've started to eat. Gally seems oblivious to the fact that you just glanced at Minho, unlike Newt who shoots you a look that says "You haven't sorted things out yet, have you?" You give him a weak smile before focussing back on Gally spoon feeding you like a baby.


"I thought I'd find you here."

You were supposed to be asleep, but you couldn't; not with everything that was going on your mind. Minho. Gally. The glade. The maze. You hardly knew anything, as if only remembering your name was enough. No one had bothered to explain anything to you.

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