Chapter 14: Why not?

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"I-I.. I think I like Newt!" He blurted out all of a sudden, before blushing profusely.

"W-What?" You stammered as a huge relief was taken off of your chest, you thought it was something terrible or heartbreaking, but, this was pretty cute! You thought. You smiled when he blushed. "Oh my god that's just- I can't- Ki-Tae!" (Literally me fangirling lmao) Your smile dropped when his did too. "What's wrong?"

He voice was quiet "I think he likes you."

You looked at him, puzzled. "Why on Earth would he- how- what?"

He sighed. "Don't you see how he looks at you sometimes? He's protective - like Minho."

You thought for a moment. "A lot of the boys can be protective of me at times." You thought back to earlier that day when Newt brought Ki-Tae over, how he held his arm and gave him a look when he left.

"I think you just need to talk to him," you said after a few moments of silence. "Newt's always saying how you never speak to him.. I think he'd appreciate that." (I CANT EVEN TAKE MY OWN SHUCKING ADVICE FCK THIS)

He nodded after a moment and stepped forward, embracing you in an awkward but thankful hug.

"Let's go and see if they made it back safe," you suggested, he smiled as a response and the two of you trudged back to the doors, feelings of excitement of Newt and Ki-Tae possibly being a thing - he'd only been here a couple of days you thought, but then again, so were you when you started liking Minho.


"Everything okay?" Questioned Minho, who stood up as soon as you emerged from the deadheads and enveloped you in a hug. He pulled away, taking both your hands into his and you smiled at him. Newt was stood a few meters behind him, looking between you and Ki-Tae.

"Everything's great," you commented with a smile, and you leaned forward to connect your and Minho's lips. The kiss was quick because you remembered why everyone was waiting at the doors in the first place.

"Did they get back okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "they nearly didn't though. I could've been out there with them and not made it back.." His smile dropped.

You grabbed his face with your hands and held him so he was looking right at you.

"Please don't start with the 'what if's', Minho." You paused. "It could be a coincidence that I got upset this morning.. Anyway it doesn't matter. You're safe and they're safe. That's all that matters to me."




"No, Minho. Even if I wanted to, I'm not allowed."

After Minho, Ki-Tae, Newt and yourself went to get your evening meal, Newt and Ki-Tae went up to the treehouse, whereas you and Minho were cuddled in his hammock.

Minho had been pestering you about what Ki-Tae needed to talk to you about, but you refused to tell him, and now he was looking at you with a pout. You had to admit, he looked extremely adorable with his bottom lip sticking out and his attempt at puppy dog eyes. You weren't going to give in though. You wouldn't let yourself.

He poked your nose. "Why not?"

"Because it's a secret, Minho." You stated in a sarcastic tone, talking slowly as if you were explaining something to a small child. (Minho basically is a small child - sass and everything xD)

He sighed and sat so that his arms were crossed over his chest, pushing you off him a little.

"If you don't tell me I'm just going to assume that you're cheating on me." He huffed when he was finished and turned his head to face the opposite direction.

"Minho.." You rolled your eyes at him - although he didn't see. "Why on earth would I be cheating on you.."

"Because that Ki-Tae shank's just like me but cuter and shyer." He paused, still pouting, weighing up your reaction. You were about to open your mouth but he carried on. "Of course, I'm hotter and sexier but-"

You punched his side. "Minho!" By now he was laughing and he draped his arm back around you to cuddle you into his chest as he chuckled.

"You didn't deny it.." He said with his famous smirk.

You looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Fine. Minho, you're not hot or sexy."

He put a hand on his chest in mock offence. "Ow.. My ego. My poor, poor ego." He grinned again and then out of no-where proceeded to tickle you.

"Hey that's not f-" You started laughing uncontrollably, clutching your sides as Minho basically tickled the sh*t out of you (okay not literally xP) until you were both out of breath from laughing so hard. You sighed in content and wove your arms around him, encircling yourself in his wonderfully addicting scent. Taking a deep breath, you spoke.

".. I'll tell you soon, okay?"






Seriously though, thank you all again for reading :) it means sososo much to me! I wanted to update this before we hit 6K because I have a feeling we probably will by tomorrow :) I can't believe this fanfiction has gone up 2K views in a week?!

I'm really sorry for slow updates btw - I have loads of art coursework and now an English Lit essay and a Spanish oral. Yay. Fun *crying inside*

It doesn't help that I'm a procrastinating bitch who literally spends 98% of the time saying 'I'll do it tomorrow' (unless it's a TV show ofc, this is the other 2%) without realising that I've been saying that for like two weeks and actually need to do something.

My summer holidays are just under three weeks away! I would like to say I could update twice a week at a push, hopefully just once a week at least. It depends if I decide to get a job - because I kind of need money sigh.

On a random note... HEATHENS. FUCK.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think about Ki-Tae and Newt? Do we ship it? WE NEED SHIP NAMES BECAUSE I SHIP IT!!1! (Mainly because I ship Newt and Minho and this is the next best thing😂)

(Also don't hate on him for thinking he likes Newt so soon.. Plz. It'll make more sense soon)

See you all next update!
Take it slow ;)


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