Chapter 17: Sacrifices

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"She's been stung."

"I hope you realise how lucky you are to still be alive, Y/N," Chancellor Paige stated in a fake enthusiastic manner as you both walked past the room where all the boys were having tests taken and preparations being made. You and Minho made eye contact through one of the many tinted glass panels as one of the doctors was placing circular white disks onto his skin to take readings while he did exercise. Of course, his shirt was off for this reason and he winked cheekily at you. You let yourself wink in return and rolled your eyes when Ava tugged you along so that you couldn't see him anymore.

It was well known throughout the facility that you and Minho were dating. It was actually an extremely difficult thing to get the doctors and especially Chancellor Paige to allow you two to become a thing as they warned that you would forget each other when the trials began. However, this didn't phase either of you and so, you started going out. Although, in some rather ironic senses, no one was allowed out, so you went on strange dates and adventures together inside the building. Minho, of course, having incredible stamina (gurl I know what you're thinking but get your mind out of the gutter m'kay) he would always insist on giving you piggy back rides or carrying you like you were his princess - hence where your much objected nickname came from.

It was still a strange feat to you though, the idea that one day you wouldn't actually know who Minho was. How on Earth do I forget someone like him? Became a question you asked yourself all the time. Minho was simply amazing; even with his tinted background and sassy remarks, you couldn't think of anyone more perfectly imperfect; it was why you were so hopelessly and totally in love with him.

"Sit." You jolted out of your daydream, noticing that Ava had brought you to her office and was now gesturing at the chair, in front of her somewhat tidy desk. You sat down, the metal and plastic cold and not at all pleasant to sit on. Crossing your legs, you looked up to the woman in front of you, already knowing exactly what it was she was going to talk to you about.

"Y/N, you and I both know that this whole trial will not work unless we can trust each other."

You rolled your eyes internally, but still kept a straight face.

"You should know how hard we're all working to find a cure for this, despicable disease. How we've all made sacrifices upon sacrifices for you and your friends so that we can get all the necessary research for the blueprints." She paused to take a breath, her hands seemingly trying to find a document that was part of a large pile on her desk. "I feel as though it's time for you to make some sacrifices too." She pulled a dark blue folder from the pile, the opening sealed shut with a lock you soon learned needed a finger print to activate it.

What? How in the hell were you supposed to make any more sacrifices than you already had? You had nothing left! What more could you possibly give?

Ava then scanned her thumb over the document and, as predicted, it opened up and she took the papers out. Your eyes widened as you read the title of the document:

'Breeding Programme'

You stood up abruptly from your chair, Chancellor Paige looking at you in a somewhat surprised expression.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Is there something wrong?" You mimicked her in a mocking tone, "how dare you!" Your voice came out as a growl through your clenched teeth, "how dare you insult me like that! I need to make more sacrifices? Bullshit!" You felt your voice rising in anger, you hands gesturing around you. "I hate to break it to you, but what more could I possibly give? I've dedicated my life to this- this research! I have given everything and more, everyone here has! So how dare you!" You felt your face reddening from anger. You were surprising yourself, you would never normally stand up against something like this or speak against your superiors but a bloody breeding programme? What did she think you were, animals?

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