Chapter 12: My name. I remember.

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"See you later, shuckface." He whispered, before turning away to run the maze once again.


You woke up feeling as though something was missing, you felt the area around you with your hand, searching for a certain person but he was gone. Damn. Not again... And he'd taken your shirt. Not that you minded the fact that he'd given you his to wear instead, but still.

You sighed and rolled over, pulling his shirt closer to your nose so that you could inhale his addictive scent. The sound of footsteps became apparent and you turned to look over your shoulder to see Newt.

"Morning, Y/N." Exclaimed Newt, noticing how you only had Minho's shirt on apart from your underwear and some things that came up in the box called leggings.

You yawned quietly, before swinging your legs over the hammock and standing up. You noticed that stood timidly behind Newt was the greenie, and you smiled at them. "Morning Newt, morning greenie."

Newt smiled, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head. "Can I ask you a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Newt glanced behind him at the greenie and then back at you. "Can he stay with you today?" He pointed at the greenie. "He doesn't want to talk to anyone else.."

"Of course he can. He'll just stay with the med-jacks with me right?"

"Sure, why not."


You were sat sorting out medicine and supplies that the box had sent up the previous day, the greenie helping you occasionally. Even though he probably should be working hard like everyone else, you felt that he wasn't up for working at all, what with people not taking a liking to him for looking like Minho. It was stupid. And the fact that he was shy and quiet made him even more vulnerable. In fact, he hadn't spoken a word since he started helping you, just nods and shaking of the head.

"Ki-Tae." He said aloud out of the blue.

You looked around, shocked. "What did you say?"

"Ki-Tae." He repeated, eyes connecting with yours. "My name. I remember."

You smiled at him. "That's great, Ki-Tae."



He was sat next to the monthly bonfire, watching his brother from across the fire as he waited for Y/N to come back from her shower. He had insisted that the two girls should have a separate shower to the boys, and Gally strongly agreed, getting to work building new cubicles within a week. Minho wondered what it would be like to share a shower with her, before shaking the thought away. No, he thought. We're not ready for that yet.

He was stolen from his thoughts as her figure approached the far side of the fire. Her damp brown hair rested on her shoulders, framing her pale complexion and blue eyes. He smiled to himself and was just about to stand up to greet her when his heart sank. She went and sat down next to his brother. Minho watched in confusion as she said something to him and he started smiling at her. Then he said something and they both started laughing. Jealousy boiled through him just watching them.

"Hey, Minho, what's wrong?" It was Newt, he was holding a jar of Gally's recipe.


Minho said nothing, but pointed across the fire at his girlfriend and his brother. Newt immediately noticed what was wrong and felt a little jealousy of his own. However, it faded slightly.

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