Chapter 2: I remember you

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~Still your POV :)

You take your tray off the seving counter and look around the tables for somewhere to sit, and someone to sit with. Newt and Alby gesture for you to go and sit with them, so you do. Newt is next to you and Alby is sat diagonally opposite, but to the right of you. You place your tray down, picking up your knife and fork.

You're not even hungry.

"How's your first day been then, huh greenie?" It's Newt.

"Uh.. Al-alright I suppose," you stutter, surprised by his sudden question. You pull your food around your plate with your fork.

You glance up to the opposite end of the table that you're sat on, and see one of the guys who ran through that gap in the wall with Minho and the other guy, the one with the black hair and cute little button nose, he's smiling like crazy, to himself. You still don't know his name. Glancing past Newt's face, you see.. Another girl? So that's why he was smiling like an idiot.

She's so beautiful, you think, staring at her, but in a polite way. Her wavy black hair elegantly folds back from her face, revealing her blue eyes, and smile to die for.

Newt notices you looking down the table at this girl, and smiles. "Teresa." He states, pausing before he continues talking, "she was the greenie before you came up. You thought you were the only girl didnt you?" He chuckles a little, then looks down. "Pretty sure there's something going on between her and Thomas." Thomas. Why doesn't everyone tell you each others names, seeing as you're the greenie and all.

"Sh.. She's so.. Pretty," You stammer, feeling so disgusting compared to her.

"Who is?" Says a voice that snaps you out of the trance she caught you in. You look across to see someone sat opposite you. You remember him as the first boy you saw, the one who helped you out the box and stunned you with his eyebrows. He smiles at you.

"I'm sorry, I c-can't remember picking up your name," you say, shying to how kind he's being around you.

"Gally." He states, "you remember your name yet?" He queries, tilting his head a little.
Before you have a chance to answer, Minho almost drops his tray onto the table, next to Gally, with a confused, angry look on his face.

"What are you playing at, slint head?" He says glaring at Gally, before continuing, "you're usually all stressed and mad at us for nothing, especially when we get a new Greenie."

Gally simply shrugs. "I'm just being nice.." He almost whispers, his voice trailing off. You almost feel sorry for him. Why is Minho being so protective over you?

"Minho.." You mumble, trying to pronounce his name how he first said it to you. "It's okay."

He shoots you a hard glare that un nerves you a little. "Gally, why are you acting up all of a sudden?" He pauses, realisation clouding over his face before his serious glare turns into a smirk. "Oh shuck, you like her don't you?" He's almost laughing now, biting his lip to hold it in.
You feel your cheeks slowly turning pink with embarrassment. "You're trying to come off as all sweet to the poor shuck face, aren't you?"
Gally's face flushes red. Suddenly, he stands up and practically throws his tray onto the rack to be washed, before walking out.

Minho's laughing now. You shoot him a glare before standing up to follow Gally, leaving your un touched meal behind. The air has cooled significantly since you were last out there, talking to Minho. He's walking quite quickly towards the homestead, so you jog to keep up with him.

"Gally?" You call, a little out of breath. God I'm so unfit.. You think to yourself before walking beside him. "Don't listen to him, he's just joking around..?" That last part came out almost as a question, realising you've only been here a day, and you're already pretending you've known them for years.

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