Chapter 4: Remember?

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You grinned.
"Shut up Minho."

You watched as the gladers danced, fought and drank around the roaring flames that climbed into the dark but somehow clear night.
You could see the stars glinting above you, and once in a while, it looked like the flames brushed them gently, teasing them to fall to the ground.

Before all of this started, Newt had come up to you and told you you needed to stay with either Minho, Alby or Chuck, because they were the only ones who didn't drink. Out of curiosity, you asked Newt why he drank, but he didn't really want to answer you.

Out of the three guys, Minho was definately the one you were closest to, so you comforatbly sat by him, watching chaos erupt around you. Many gladers were already 'drunk' off Gally's secret recipe, making fools out of themselves: dancing stupidly and once in a while, threw up. You saw Gally beating the crap out of someone you didn't recognise, people crowding round the two in a circle, dust escaping into the air as they threw punches and kicks at each other. Over the other side of the fire you could see Thomas and Teresa grinding and touching each other..

You pulled a face and looked away, towards Minho, to see that his gorgeous eyes were already trained on you.

"Why don't you drink Gally's wonderful drink?" You asked him, not particularly liking the awkward stares he had been giving you.

"I'm a runner, runners can't really get drunk and not expect a death wish the next day in the maze." He stated, shrugging and dropping his gaze as if the answer was obvious. "Why aren't you drinking?" He asked back, his eyes snapping back up to yours.

"Are you serious? Have you seen Thomas and Teresa getting a little friendly with each other?" You said, holding back a laugh, as you saw Minho's eyes look to the other side of the fire, seeing what you saw.

Then he looked back at you with a serious expression on his face, eyebrow raised.

You couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing, and he started laughing too. You had to put your hand on his shoulder to stop yourself from falling over, just as Minho stopped and looked at you seriously, before he started talking in a whisper.

"We could do that, you know.."

You both looked at each other momentarily before erupting into laughter again, even harder this time. People were glaring at you, but you didn't care. A minute must've passed before your laughter calmed down, your stomach aching from laughing so much. He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing again.
Man that drove you crazy.

"Y/N?" He asked, giving that look he first gave you when you saw each other the first day you came here.

"Yes, Minho?"

"I have to go, um, you know..?" He said awkwardly, then proceeded to stand up and hit you gently on the back. "Don't get into any mischief while I'm gone, okay?"

"Yes mother," you cooed, smiling at him as he walked towards the trees to.. Relieve his bladder.

The fight between Gally and the other glader had finished, obviously Gally being triumphant. His body was drenched in sweat, his skin gleamed with the fire's dance.

He looked over at you, obviously seeing Minho had left your side.

You froze, eyes fixed on him as he clumsily stumbled towards you, clearly showing he too had had too much to drink, of his own recipe. He sat down where Minho origionally sat, and slung an arm casually over your shoulder. He leant towards you a little, the smell of his breath being the first thing to hit you. You wrinkled your nose in disgust.

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