Chapter 15: Doubt

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Hi! Just a quick message before the chapter:

Most of you seemed to want to see more of you and Minho's relationship, to maybe have some drama come between you and for Minho to become protective.

kitkat664  suggested some things in the fourth option - so thank you because I can work some of those into what everyone else wanted! I won't say anymore - hopefully I'm inspired enough for the next few chapters.

Thank you to everyone who gave some feedback, it's been really helpful. I just want to make sure I'm pleasing all my readers - or as many as I can.

I'm sorry for the long wait, enjoy!


".. I'll tell you soon, okay?"

*time skip 1 week* (because I'm a lazy ass b*tch but you all know that by now lol)


Minho sat in the map room after the usual day of running.

He was drawing up the days map, comparing it to the previous day and noticing the same changes as always. He was so sure he could figure this out - he had to figure it out. They'd been here for too long, two years if you're counting. He'd been running the maze every day for longer than he could remember, he was appointed the Keeper of the Runners for gods sake! He was determined to prove himself and his position as Keeper, if anyone could find a way out, it should be him.

So he got more maps out and set them all out in front of him, concentrating really hard on the changes to see if they made a bigger picture. I'm not trying hard enough, his brain blankly stated, frustrating him even more. Maybe I need to compare other sections..?

He got up and opened up one of the eight trunks and grabbed the top five maps that Ben had drawn and set them in front of him. He went on like this, rummaging through all the sections, comparing them and trying his best to figure something out.


You were looking for Minho, you hadn't seen him since yesterday evening. You didn't see him this morning - he left before you woke up. And as soon he came out of the maze he went straight to the map room which is where you were heading now.

"Minho? Are you in here? You missed the evening meal.." You paused when you saw him working away at the desk in the dingy map room and smiled. "M-"

"I'm busy." Was all he said, not even sparing a glance your way.

Your smile faltered slightly. He looked really stressed and drained, like when you just can't do something right but continue to try and know you're not getting any better. It made you (be) concerned that he looked so stressed out and so you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso from behind. You rested your head on his back.

What? You hadn't seen him for practically a day - you didn't care if you were coming off as clingy!

"Y/N I'm busy right now.." He mumbled, trying weakly to push your hands from his chest.

You frowned and pulled away slightly. "Whats up with you?" You muttered with a hint of spite in your voice- what the shuck was he doing? Wasn't he happy to see you?

He sighed, putting his head in his hands, still not looking at you. "I said I was busy."

You neatly moved the maps from in front of him and sat on the table, facing him. He didn't say anything, his gaze focussed on anything but you. You leaned forward, pulling the unbuttoned collar of his shirt up so that he would look at you. Then your lips were on his.

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