Chapter 32 - Deal

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In the vent system of Tsukauchi's house lies Izuku and Seiko. They arrived just 20 minutes before Aizawa was going to announce it to Hiroto and Eri

Just minutes before, they two of them set a small camera with a added microphone personally made by Embry, and they place it on a hidden spot behind the TV.

"So..let's get out the vents"

"Yeah,I was planning on it. I'm pretty sure they're gonna bring the rest of the kids over here too,"

"Okay. And I'm cramped, so please hurry," Seiko whines

"Alrighty, hee hoo we go!" Izuku announces, before crawling out. And a uncomfortable Seiko trailing slowly behind him.

After a while, they finish planting the bugs in everyone's house, and sit in a small area that no one would be searching in.

They turn in the device with the camera and turn up the volume. They lean in, and watch as everyone meets.

"Hello, problem children,"

"Hi/hello/Yo," comes from every single one of them. Izuku stares in awe, as he hasn't heard their voices in so long.

"We..we have something important to tell you, in regards of your two other roommates.." Aizawa says, his voice softening

"You mean Zuku and Seiko? What's wrong with them?" Hikari ask, and leans into Kenji

"Well..a couple nights ago, Izuku committed suicide,"

"What?" They all ask in unison

"There's no way! Izuku would never! He was the strongest person I know! Mentally and physically. He would never!" Kenji shouts, and both of there eyes widen.

Kenji never raises his voice, no matter what jt comes down too. For him, raising your voice is a waste of time

"Kenji's right, even if we have known Izuku for what feels like such a little time, his mentality and physical strength were outstanding. He's never leave us that way," Eimiko mumbles, but loud enough for everyone to hear

"Agreed! He wouldn't until he finally found an even match in clue! He swore that to me!" Hikari cries out

"We too may have only known Izuku for a little time, he saved us, and he had a strong will. We're not buying it either." Eri nods

"Izuku left you a note..and in regards to your other roommate, Seiko, also commited suicide a night or two later.."

"There's no way. None of this adds up, jt makes no sense.." Kenji Whispers, tears poking out of his eyes

"I sounds, unbelievable, and trust's what I would've thought if I was in your position too. But I watched izuku commit, and I watched him get wheeled out,"

"Just give us the note," Eimiko says

"Oh..yeah, here. Seiko wrote one two."

He hands Eimiko Izuku's note, and Kenji Seiko's. They both read them through

Eimiko begins crying, and covering her mouth with her hand. Her breaths become heavy, before she rushes out the room and upstairs to Hiroto's room.

Kenji also cries, which surprises most of them and passes the note, and also picks and passes Izuku's, before following Eimiko up the steps.

Hiroto and Hikari's read the notes, before Hikari clutches it angrily in her hand. She rushes to Hiroto's room, fury filling her eyes.

Hiroto seems to be the only one who naturally understands. At one point, he did have a sting mentality. But we Izuku, he didn't want to stay. He felt as if he had no place. Like a child lost from his mother in a crowd.

He stands, and picks up Eri, before turning up to the stairs. Also heading to the room.

Izuku stares at the screen, shocked, but disappointed aswell. He knew they weren't going to react well, but the difference in there reactions scared him.

He never seen Kenji cry, Hikari so furious, Hiroto so scared him, and he lowered his head in shame.

Seiko turns over to the next screen, where the bug in Hiroto's room was planted.

"What the HELL is wrong with him! I hate him!"

"Hikari, wai-"

"NO! FIRST HE LEAVES US TO SOME PROS, NEVER COMES TO SEE US, AND THEN, HE DECIDES TO LEAVE US, AND GIVE US A PLACE IN HIS NOTE?!" She shouts furiously, the words angrily rolling off ur tongue.

"Hikari, please!"

She instantly stops, her mouth sealing closed. She looks directly into her brother's teary eyes

"I..I'm sorry, it's just..why would they?"

"I understand how he feels. I don't blame him. Not after what happened, anyways,"

"What? So your just gonna discard this as 'oh he had a reason' and leave it at that?" Kenji asks

"No.. that not what I'm saying. I'm not mad at him. Izuku suffered more than a couple of us here. Then he lost us, too. We were almost the last thing he had,"

"I..have to agree," Eimiko says, emerging herself into the conversation

"A little before, I seen one of his notebooks. No, not one of the hero analysis, but a diary type thing. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help but be curious.." she pauses, and wipes more of her tears

Izuku looks at the screen in horror, and Seiko gives him a worried look. " she talking about, Blaze?"

" diary from 4th-8th grade. It was private, specifically for me. I honestly thought I hid it well.."

"What did the diary have in it?"

"I guess you'll see now,"

"Izuku, I only started from 7th grade. He was bullied and tormented, and he also wrote about his parents neglecting him. He wrote about his cruel sister, and..the spider lilies,"

"What spider lilies?" Hikari asks

"Red spider lilies, he wrote that he got spider lilies almost every other day. Like a regular. And also the suicide baiting, it's a lot worse than I thought it was." She finishes, tears at her eyes again

" still have it?"

"Of course I do. I never did give it back to him. I was too afraid, I thought that if he knew I looked through it, he would give me back to overhaul.."

"But its different now. He's in Tartarus. And Izuku's dead. And there's nothing I did expect steal his notebook away from him," salty tears spill from her already blood-shot eyes

"I'd rather not look through it. But Hikari, can you see what I mean? What he did was not because of us. He did it for himself, we can't be mad at him for his choices." She then nods, and sits back down next to Kenji, leaning against his shoulders.

"Hiro? Why did izuku leave?"

" something I do not know. And maybe never will," he says, his head down in shame.

"Hey, Seiko. On our vigilantism tonight, do you mind if I see Hiroto..I know it's a bad idea, but I need to thank him,"

"As long as I get to see Shoto. He might've been rude sometimes, but he's still my brother."

"Deal, then."

Word count: 1169

I'm sorry for the slow updates guys, but school and sleep is catching up to me. I have decently bad insomnia so it's kinda aggravating.

But either way, have a good rest of your day

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