11: No Denying He's An Idiot

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"Be prepared to lose once in a while."


I put the telephone down with a long groan, leaning against the wall. Abree looked up at me with wide eyes, "What is wrong with Master?" I racked my hand through my hair. What's wrong with me? This crazy, devil woman is coming over.

I sighed, "Veronica is coming over...in 10 minutes."

He cheered happily, jumping around, "That is great Master-"

"No it isn't..." I said blatantly, glaring at him.

"Oh...sorry Master." He said softly, looking down.

I shrugged, racking my hand through my crazy, stringy, brown hair, "Yeah, just change into your little cat form thingy." I said, walking to my drawer, putting on some black briefs and a long sleeved shirt. I looked over to Abree, sighing, "Why...why aren't you in your cat form?" He opened his mouth, but I interrupted him. "Ghod Abree, just change."

"Master, I would like to meet Veronica."

"Why are you so needy?" I asked with a long sigh. He pouted, looking at me with his large eyes. I took a deep breath, caressing his jaw, "Abree, please, just change and I'll..." I groaned and mumbled, "I'll do anything."

He giggled madly, "Anything?!"

"Yes anything." I said quietly, he should already know I don't mean anything. He giggled and quickly became the little kitten I met at the beginning of the week. I smiled and picked him up, his soft white fur rubbed against me as he purred. I put him in his little cat bed just as there was a knock on my door. Abree looked up at me, meowing. I took a breath, fixed my hair and opened the door, "Veronica."

"Steven." Veronica said, her arms crossed, I saw two faces behind her.

I moved her aside, smiling deeply, "Jessica and Jason!" my arms were open wide and they both joined me in a big hug. It doesn't matter that they are 16, they're still my babies and they still love me like a baby loves their parents.

Veronica chuckled softly, "They really wanted to see you." I scoffed, of course my kids want to see me, I'm their father. She sighed, leaning against the door, "And they'd like to spend the night."

"Where are you going?" I asked her, looking up from the hug.

She strutted into my condo, sitting on the couch and crossing her legs in an annoying manner, "Well they want to spend time with you and I haven't had any alone time with Paul." That's her fiance, he's a real estate agent. I groaned, biting my li-

"Oh my ghod daddy!" I looked over, seeing Jessica squeezing the life out of Abree, who was trying to wiggle away. I jumped up, running over to them, taking the hissing Abree away as Jessica giggled, "You got a kitten daddy?"

I smirked, holding Abree up so Veronica could see him, "Mmhmm..."

Veronica glared at me, "A...cat? Steven, has a cat?" she burst out laughing like a maniac, "Is your head okay?! What happened to the Steven I knew who hated animals?! That cat looks stupid anyho-" Abree jumped out of my arms, jumping on Veronica, scratching and attacking her. She screamed, trying to stop my anguished kitten.

I snatched Abree up, "Excuse me." I walked away quickly, taking Abree to the bathroom. I sat him on the toilet as he went human. His arms were crossed and he had a large pout on his lips. I rolled my eyes, "What the hel-"

"She was making fun of Master." I sighed as he went on, "And she called me stupid, Master!"


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