14: Curiosity With My Cat Will Kill You

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"Watch your attitude...it's the first thing people notice about you. "


I opened my eyes to the sound of my cell phone vibrating on the side table. I sat up and turned it off with a yawn, stretching. Jessica was laying in my lap, I moved her off of me and laid her on her side on the recliner. The sun was rising so it had to be around 8 o'clock.

I looked over to see Rob rolled out on the couch. I shook him violently until he fell off the couch and his body sprawled on the floor, "Rob, you moron, wake up. "

His eyes opened quickly and he looked up at me with his large, hazel-grey eyes, "Wah??"

"Go home you freeloader. "

"Aww c'mon! We used to always-"

"And I'm talking about right now and I say go home. Also close your legs, I have a daughter here!"

"I'm gay!"

"You still have penis!"

"I'm like 16 years older than her! An-"

"Leave freeloader. "

He glared at me, picking up his clothes, "Y'know I hate you, right? "

"Yeah, I do." He put on his coat. I smirked, "You better shower before you go to work!" He flipped me off, smirking and left. We joke around like this all of the time, so we know that we're both kidding.

I looked over and saw that Abree and Jason were not on the couch and that's when my eye caught a glimpse of the bathroom light on. I walked over to to the door, hearing quiet moaning and panting. WHAT IS THIS?!

I peeked into the bathroom, my heart dropping below my feet.

My jockey 16 year old son was riding my cat.


When I woke up from my faint, Jessica and the two, secretive, naughty boys (Jason and Abree) were all standing over me, freaking out. I jumped up quickly, pacing.

My son was riding my cat.

My son...

Was rid...ing...

My cat...


How does a 'young' father like me, cope with that?! My son is the delinquent, unruly, promiscuous type that can get any girl in a matter of seconds! But he was in that bathroom...being a submissive...uke...to my submissive cat...riding him all the way to Cloud 9. My football son is a uke!

I looked at Jason quickly, "What was going on in that bathroom?!"

He shrugged, scratching his nape, "Nothing."

"Tell me!"

"Abree is in heat!" he shouted at me in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes, "Abree is my cat and if there is ever a need or another problem like this, you come to me, his Master- err owner! You come to his owner and I'm his owner!" I grumbled, blushing.

Jason rolled his eyes, nodding , "Yeah whatever, I'm sorry dad-"

"Ghod! I never want to see anything like that again! Now stop talking about it before I die!" I shouted, racking my hand through my hair. He walked away as I sat on my couch, covering my face with my hands.

I was thinking hard.

I'm Jason's father and I need to be a responsible father and tell Veronica what has happened, but what should I say? 'Oh I walked in on our jockey son riding my cat and they both seemed to enjoy it.' I CAN'T' SAY THAT! She's going to want to know how Jason was riding my cat, she doesn't know about Abree being a neko.

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