12: Slumber Party~!

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"The man who aquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."
-Albert Carnegie


We walked into the bistro, it was quiet and we were the only civilians in the small restaurant. Jason rung the bell on the counter as a young man with brown hair, purple eyes and swollen lips rushed out. He had hickeys on his neck and his hair was stringy and sweaty. We all glared at him as he blushed and stuttered, "H- how can I help you tonight? " at this restaurant, you order at the counter, then sit. We all ordered our delicious, Italian dishes as the young man wrote it down. He looked up at us, smiling gently but shyly, "Uhh and by the way, my name is Chandler, if you need anything, please just let me know." We all nodded and sat down at a booth seat, taking off our coats.

I sat on one bench and Abree squeezed himself next to me and Jessica was next to him, and on the other bench, Jason was sitting there next to his 'gay uncle'. Rob lent across the table and whispered to me, "I can't be the only one that noticed that that boy just got out of some sexy sexiness."

I rolled my eyes looking away, "I wasn't paying any attention. " my eyes shifted over to the young boy, glaring. I looked away, noticing it.

Rob nudged me, "C'mon, he was totally radiating 'I-just-got-fucked-really-hard-in-the-ass'."


He broke out laughing, wiping his tears of giddiness,"I know how he was feeling, I miss it." I glared at him, killing him in all possible ways in my head. If he doesn't shut up... He giggled, "I bet Abree understands that feeling." I gasped, paralysis taking over.

Abree glared at Rob, it was probably one of the cutest things ever! He actually looked like a 28 year old! He rolled his eyes, "No, I do not, I can only experience that with Master." He said crossing his arms, looking away. I smiled down at the cat kid, he might be a pedophile, but he's the most loyal, pedophile cat ever!

Rob smirked and sat back, neither of us speaking. We looked at each other in silence. I glared at the twins, both of them on their cell phone, Rob and I just awkwardly sitting in silence with Abree nuzzled into my chest. I watched the twins closely, my annoyance level building up and boiling over. I rolled my eyes with a long groan, holding out my hands, "Phones. Now. " the twins both looked at me, their mouths agape,

"What?" They asked in unison.

"I want both of your phones while we're here. Why don't you communicate with us here and not your friends on your phone?" they both sighed and hesitantly handed me their cell phones. I smirked and put the phones in the pocket of my coat.

Jason lent forward on his arms with a groan as silence invaded our table. He looked around, "So~ dad..." I looked at Rob, then down at Abree, who was cuddling into my lap, his face in my crotch. I groaned quietly, glaring down at him. Why? Why does he always do things like this?! Trying to make me horny in public and it's working-

"Jessica!!" Rob shouted, jumping up, attracting the attention of us all at our awkwardly, quiet table, "How's it going with that one hot guy...uh what's his name? Uhm...Derek?" I looked at Jessica quickly, frowning, there's a guy named Derek in her life and I, her father, does not know about him. He better treat my daughter like the angel she is!

Jessica groaned, placing her chin in her palm, then throwing her hands up in defeat, "I left him...by force- but not totally- the devil woman made me," the devil woman is also a known name for Veronica. Yeah, maybe I do have some influence on my kids on what I call their mother. "All because he's 22 years old-"

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