Chapter 1: Loss After Loss

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Hey everyone! I am so happy you are going to read my story... Just a starts a bit light & fluffy...but then the writing gets better and the angst, suspense & tension get heavier (with longer chapters too)... 

Let me know if you have any recommendations:

Twitter Acct: @Marybellecherf
Instagram: marybellecherfan

Can't wait to hear your feedback!

New Orleans:

"It's not fair. You're asking me to drop everything and move to a different school, to a different country, and you expect me to be fine with it".

Hope has been scratching her head all week over this pivotal decision that her aunts took without even consulting her.

Did her opinion hold so little value in the scheme of things?

"We're not asking you to be fine with it, honey. We love you and we have extensively thought this through. After everything that has happened here, we really think it's the best idea we could come up with."

"Why is that exactly?"

"You know why... You need a change of scenery, love. You need to step out of your shell and push these horizons that you have always been bounded to."

"So let me get this straight: you think throwing me in a completely new world, where I know absolutely no one, is the answer to all the loss that I have been feeling... You... You really think taking even more from me is the solution?"

"You do know Caroline, Hope. And she promised us she will help you settle in. So we're not throwing you in a wolf's den. I'm sorry you feel ambushed but trust me, that wasn't our intention... We just want what's best for you, even if we're not currently seeing eye to eye..."

"In what world do you get to decide what's best for me without consulting me?"

"Look... We just want you to feel something... Anything really," says Freya hesitantly, her eyes glued to the floor.

 Anything really," says Freya hesitantly, her eyes glued to the floor

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"Well, awesome then! Because I am definitely feeling a lot right now... Mission accomplished!" smirks a fuming Hope.

"Honey, listen, we are not trying to overwhelm you. I can promise you that looking out for you is the first thing on our minds, and as silly as it sounds, I just think that sometimes you need to lose yourself before finding yourself," Intervenes Keelin.

"You got that right. Well, on that note, I can tell you that I am definitely losing it right now, so good job planning this out!" shouts Hope before slamming the door and burying her face in her pillow.

AGH! Why does everyone think they have her all figured out? When she doesn't even know what the hell she is feeling?

Might as well sleep. It's not like she has anything important to do before she is shipped to another galaxy.

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