Chapter 8: Stay away from Josie!

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"Lizzie, I can't skip history class, we just started, and Mr. Salvatore knows we should be there".

"Come on MG. PLEAAAAASE. He is already dating my mom; he doesn't get to take my freedom too".

Stefan had always been sweet. But the way he gazed at her mom all the time was too "Edward Cullen" for her taste... He always had a pining look and bedroom eyes. Although she had to admit, he was good-looking for his age. And definitely better than her drunk dad.

"Exactly! He is dating your mom... put 2 and 2 together, he will tell her we skipped, and no offense but your mom kind of scares me...".

"I'll just say I had period cramps. The last time I said that to him, he froze like a deer in headlights. It's hilarious how easy it is to exploit the fear of patriarchy..." murmured Lizzie with a smirk.

"Fascinating", says MG, his voice laced with shock and embarrassment "one small problem though, I never had period cramps or a uterus for that matter," says MG irritably, before folding his arms.

Apparently, they're talking about period cramps now. What's next? mani-pedis together perhaps? 

MG is losing his mind.

"We can just say that you, as a nobleman and superior being, were my knight in shining armor, and felt the moral duty to accompany the fair vulnerable lady to her room..." Lizzie looked at MG before changing her tone "Could you kindly walk me to my room, dear sir? Stefan will eat it up. That's what he gets for teaching about medieval times". 

 Lizzie offers her hand in a show of mockery.

MG freezes. His blush going darker, he opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, not knowing what to say.

Lizzie stares at MG intensely while pouting her lips significantly. "Oh, don't be a prude, we are in the 21st century. This is not Game of Thrones, don't get your panties all in a bunch, Arya. Come on MG, pleeeeeeeeeeease"

He doesn't even get to be a male character. This is getting ridiculous. 

Although he has to admit, Arya is pretty cool. 

Ugh! Lizzie is looking at him with a huge pout. He is so screwed!

"Like I can say no to you my fair lady" MG offers her his arm playfully, whilst smirking, a mischievous glint sparking in his eyes "Very well, I will accompany you on one condition though. You have to watch the new Spider-Man movie with me this weekend".

"Shhhhhhuuuuut keep your voice down. There are living breathing human beings with ears around here. Are you trying to ruin my reputation? This is social suicide... Anyway, okay fine, we can go on Saturday."

MG beams like a child, and Lizzie chuckles knowing that she wanted to watch the movie regardless of their deal, but willing to let MG think he had the upper hand. 

The patriarchy-usurper strikes again. Okay, she needs to work on the name, but at least she got to skip Stefan mansplaining wars led by men in skirts.

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