Chapter 26: Never, Jo, even if you bring out the devil in me!

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Salvatore School - Woods :

Source: https://screenrant

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"Don't shoot the messenger, Care. I am only doing you this courtesy because you're my brother's lover."

"Lover? What is this a Taylor Swift album?"

"Okay let's cut the bullshit. Listen, Caroline. Maybe Vardemus will get through to you, but I will repeat my assessment just in case. The fire was intentional and the little shit who did it is a member of this school. We need to know who was out of bed roaming around the woods at night. Interviews with roommates can help us reduce the suspect list. Bottom line is we are going to conduct these interviews, whether you give us your approval or not."

"Fine. Emma will be present though. These students are minors after all."

"Whatever. If it were up to me, the whole country would watch me smirk at suspects on BBC."


"Okay. I will get Vardemus' approval. I think Emma's presence shouldn't be a problem. It might help students feel at ease. Seeing a familiar face and all."


"Sure thing, Care. Any other requests?"

"Yes. I want to be there when my daughters are interviewed."

"They won't be interviewed for now."

"How come?"

"They are already on the suspect list, Care. They have no one to vouch for them, no alibis, same as Hope."

"So, what you're saying is..."

"Yes, the suspect list includes for now: Hope, Josie, and Elizabeth. In that order."

1 - Hope

2 - Josie

3 - Elizabeth

"Get out."

"Relax. There will be other names to keep them company."

"Get the fuck out of my school Damon."

"Gladly. We can talk later when your hormones are in check, Blondie."

Edinburgh - God knows where...

"Hope, we're going to crash... HOPEEE!"

"Stick to our deal Jo, pick a route."



"UGH! You're insufferable."

"Perhaps, or... You just bring out the worst in me."

"Maybe you should drop me off now then. Save face and all."



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