Chapter 33: You can call me Pan

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Western General Hospital – Third Floor:

Josie was genuinely surprised by her mother's reaction or, more accurately, the lack thereof. Caroline was not angry. She was not upset. In fact, she didn't even lecture Josie. Nope. She stayed silent and just seemed happy enough to see Hope awake. Did the CIA replace Josie's mom with a silent clone ??? That was Josie's first thought, and then the idea got more convincing as the scenario kept improving. Oh, definitely a clone: Josie was now 100% sure of that. Come on! When had Caroline ever been silent? Josie's eyes were wide open, her mouth agape in a silent scream, adrenalin pumping and hair standing on end. And then it got even crazier. Caroline had been understanding. She had been sweet and patient. She had been compassionate. She had even allowed Josie to stay by Hope's side all day. And when Josie says all day, she means all day: she even sat next to Hope on the way back home. A hazy drunk memory of intertwined hands, bodies leaning close but not close enough, sweet but taunting words, kept coming back to haunt her mind and play tricks on her.

Now to be fair, Caroline had always been sweet with her daughters, but lately, she was being a real Bi... Josie didn't even want to think of the word, but it did cross her mind a few times.

Today though, Caroline was back to her old self by some miracle.


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Okay, let's rewind a bit ..... Let's go back to the part where the parents came in, and a very surprised Josie was propelled like a flying shuttlecock by her lover. Oh! And it isn't as nice as you'd think. It really hurt... Josie was not happy at all with her free fall. And if some of you are wondering whether she tried to flap her hands during her brief flight ... She never got the chance to even think about it as her body briskly slammed the ground 2 seconds after the launch!.

Anyway, Caroline had been surprised in the beginning, to say the least. I mean, seeing her daughter straddle someone wasn't exactly her idea of a good time. Strangely enough, though, she immediately ran straight to hug Hope. I know I know, you'd think Josie was imagining things.

The hug did take longer than expected, and Hope had to clear her throat, making it clear that this had gone on a bit too long for her taste. And then Caroline asked to talk to Josie outside. Oh, yes: she asked instead of demanding. I know, shocking... Josie was stunned, to say the least, but who was she to deny her mom such a beautiful reunion? She certainly wasn't planning to push her luck and ask if her mom was high on Hospital Ventilation. If Caroline wanted to be a good mom after everything, Josie was ready to accept it and act as if nothing had happened: for today at least and for Hopey's sake, her maybe, hopefully, almost-girlfriend.

Oh God, just thinking about that felt so exhilarating! She and Hope were certainly not official yet. I mean, they hadn't even talked about it. But did Josie ever straddle a non-girlfriend before? Of course not.

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