Chapter 4: No one has ever cared!

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"Pen, she is never going to give me the time of day. It's like I don't exist. Like I never existed, for that matter. Not that I am shocked. It's just depressing. I spend all day just bathing in her eyes...and she doesn't even look at me. It's even worse when Rafael is there," says MG with a voice drenched in sadness.

"You're just too available... Maybe you should make her jealous. I can help with that. She would undeniably freak if I got my hands on you," retorts the raven-haired girl.

"Yeah, like she would ever notice. That would be a futile attempt, trust me. The only time she does acknowledge me is when I am reading a comic book. Even though, to be honest, she's more interested in the title than the guy reading. How depressing. I never thought I would be jealous of a comic magazine".

"Wait... The wicked witch of the west is secretly a comic book geek? Hah, who would have thought? Shocking twist," smirks Penelope.

"Not the point, P. Why do I even bother?" Thinks Milton.

"Look, I know how Lizzie can be. She's the reason I broke it off with Josie in the first place. She sucks up all the oxygen as soon as she's in a room. But if you're into that. Who am I to judge? To each his own, I guess. I will help you. Why don't you just prepare something special for the twins' birthday? It's coming up and a sweet 16 is always important. I am sure she is into the whole fairytale dramatics. You can get her a gift she likes and maybe confess your undying love on a white horse?"

"Mmm... I don't think life works like that."

"Sooner or later, she will get it in her thick skull that Rafael is not into her, and you'll be there to comfort her. You can ask Josie for some advice. I'm sure she will happily chip in to help her sister get over Mr. broad shoulders".

"Hey! He's not the only one with broad shoulders," says MG in a haze.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Casanova", sneers Penelope before asking about MG's parents, "Are they coming to the party?".

"Yeah, right, like the Senator would come anywhere near me. How can I be mad at Lizzie for not noticing me if my own parents don't even notice me?" MG's voice is painfully breaking "You're old enough to understand we have priorities, Milton... We are busy, Milton... Improve your grades, Milton... You will be in charge of the company one day, Milton. It is MG, not Milton. I don't even know if I want to be head of a company. But who cares what I think? No one has ever cared!"

Penelope bites her lip and immediately regrets her lack of courtesy. She shouldn't have asked that.

She knows it is a sore subject.

She just wanted to move on from Lizzie, her venomous behaviour, and any discussion that dissects that witch's personality.

Lizzie has always hurt the people she loved. She constantly took everyone's attention and never gave any back.

MG and Josie have always been there serving the almighty queen with no expectations and no questions whatsoever, and it enrages her.

How can a person be this clueless? MG has always been there for her: through all her heartbreaks and all her sorrows. Whenever she needed something, anything, MG was there.

Not to mention Josie devoting her life to her sister and living in her shadow for most of her existence.

"Don't say that! I care, and I am not the only one. Your parents are just assholes. Let's go get some milkshakes. Strawberry always helps".

Penelope hugs MG before taking his hand and going toward the cafeteria.

Penelope hugs MG before taking his hand and going toward the cafeteria

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Emma's Office:

"Come in, Lizzie", says Emma.

"Come in, Lizzie", says Emma

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"Hello, Miss Tig. I'm sorry for barging in like this, but it was kind of an emergency".

"No problem at all. Here, sit down and tell me what's bothering you".

"I just... "

"Don't worry, this is a safe space. Take your time."

"Miss Tig... I feel like my episodes are coming back and I don't know if I can handle them with everything that is going on".

"What kind of episodes?"

"You remember when I used to have these anxiety attacks? I kind of found it hard to breathe, and I" Lizzie was choking on her own words and took a few seconds to calm down "... anyway... they came back".

"It is okay, Lizzie. Nothing to be afraid of. I am glad you came to see me. Do you want to tell me what is happening?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, In your opinion, what's triggering these attacks?"

"Well... The other day, the trigonometry teacher gave me my test back and said he was disappointed in me. When I looked down at my grade, I felt like my brain was zooming in on it, and I started losing awareness of my surroundings. I was finding it hard to breathe. Then I felt a soothing hand drawing circles on my palms. I guess it was MG who was sitting next to me at the time. I started remembering the breathing technics you taught me and it kind of helped... But I am scared. I am really scared. I thought they had stopped." a tear was sliding down Lizzie's cheeks, searing heat on her face with every passing moment.

" a tear was sliding down Lizzie's cheeks, searing heat on her face with every passing moment

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"Have you told anyone else about these episodes? Sometimes it helps to have someone close by..."

"I haven't told anyone yet. I usually don't have to. Josie always notices when things are not going well for me. But lately, it's as if she's not there. She hears but doesn't listen. It's like she's always somewhere else. Thinking about something else. And I know I have always taken a lot of her time and attention. But I just feel like I really need her. And I don't know what to do anymore. I know people think I am selfish and heartless, and I don't care what they think. I am just struggling, and I need my sister because I don't think I can do it without her".

"Hey...hey, it's okay to need people. It's okay to ask for help, and you did well by coming here and asking for mine. You will get through this, and we will be here for you. If you want, I can call Josie over, and you both can discuss it here. I can help you ease into things. Whatever makes you comfortable. I am sure Josie has just been under a bit of stress with all the preparations for the launch party. It happens. Give her a chance to be there for you."

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