Chapter 19: What is going through that pretty little head of yours, princess?

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Basketball Practice - 6 PM:

"Stop it, Maya! Come on, I can't take it anymore." Hope is panting and shaking, her cheeks turning scarlet.

"OH, BUHU, Cry me a river Hopey! Now Surrender and I will stop!"

"WTF! This is so not fair! Ouchh...Stop!"

"Ballsy of you to assume I play fair. The Big Bad Mikealson is going down!" smirks Maya doubling her efforts to run after Hope and tickle her in the abdomen. Hope hugs her belly and pitifully throws herself on the floor in the middle of the basketball court.

"No...No, stop. I surrender. Please. Fine! You are the almighty queen of basketball. There I said it. Are you happy? Now move your nasty fingers away from me."

Maya chuckles and reaches to take Hope's hand and help her stand up. These two had become extremely close lately, and the raven-haired girl never missed a chance to mess with the Mikealson heir.

They kind of looked like childhood friends to the untrained and unfamiliar eyes. Well, friends who flirt with each other occasionally.

Granted Maya probably flirted more than she breathed, but Hope didn't seem to mind at all.

And honestly, the girl's humor was refreshing. It was exactly what Hope needed nowadays. Someone to distract her.

After everything she went through, laughing was not always a given. So yeah, Hope liked their friendship, and she wasn't going to ruin it, just because of some innocent flirting.

Besides, let's be honest, receiving a few harmless compliments here and there, isn't that bad.

Josie felt a pang of jealousy at the scene playing out in front of her eyes.

She had no right to be jealous of course. She knew that. But that didn't make things any easier.

Whoever said ignorance is bliss, was right on point. And oh, how easier it would have been to be in denial.

Yet, the truth was that Josie knew all the facts very well.

1 - She liked Hope even though she didn't know Hope that well.
2 - She craved Hope even though she wasn't hers to crave.
3 - She was undoubtedly jealous now, even though she certainly didn't have the right to be.

So, denial, as sweet as it sounded, was not in the cards for her.

Waking up in Hope's bed without Hope was the sign she needed. It beckoned her, calling her to the realization, that Hope's presence meant a great deal to her, and her absence, likewise, was strongly felt.

The brunette is slowly brought back to reality by a sudden bump on her shoulder and is pleasantly surprised when Hope approaches her to greet her.

"Hello princess!"

"Hope...H-" attempts to answer Josie, skin flushing and blushing.

"How's the hangover?" Hope is grinning at her and Josie's heart skips a beat prompted by that beautiful smile.

"A bit better. Uhm. Thanks for leaving Advil on the nightstand by the way. I don't think I would have been able to survive without them. And I also wanted to thank-"

"Nightstand hunh?" interrupts Alyssa, "well, that was quick. Gotta hand it to you, Saltzman, you sure know how to pick them. First a foster kid and now a billionaire. Do you even have a type? or do you just hit on anything that moves?"

"Are you really slut-shaming my sister you Gollum? You've been banged more times than a snooze button on Monday mornings. So, if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut."

Lost & Found (Hosie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora