Chapter 14: Caught between a rock and a hard place

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The bottle is pointing at Landon and MG.

"Okay bird boy, the bottle has spoken; do your thing."

"Curious to know why you chose bird boy as an insult?"

"How clueless can a person be? Fine, I'll explain it to you in simple words little Hobbit. 1 - Boy has Hair, 2 - Hair looks like Bird-nest ergo, 3 - Boy is called Bird-Boy ... Duh, and you're welcome."

Josie pinches her sister and whispers in her ear to stop insulting the boy.

"Whatever Lizzie. Truth or Dare MG?"


"Okay, mmm... I know! Describe the girl you like."

What is this kindergarten?

"BOUUUUUUUU, Booo-ring. Grow a spine Bird-Boy" smirks Jed.

"More like Fluff-Boy" mutters Alyssa to her league of evil comrades who burst out laughing.

Landon is wondering why he even comes to these parties.

"Shut it, Alyssa" growls Josie. 

She can't believe Lizzie and Alyssa finally agree on something and it turns out to be humiliating "poor old Landon". I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

MG is not listening to the exchanges taking place. His mind is in its own sudden all-consuming daze.

Should he answer truthfully? I mean these are, in theory, the rules of the game.

He knows he loves Lizzie and has long ago decided that it's better to have her in his life, even if it is only for a bit, than not to have her at all. He has long ago decided that he was willing to put himself second, to put his needs last even, and put up with all the hurt, just to be next to her.

He just wanted Lizzie to be happy. And if she was happy with someone else, then so be it. He has long ago decided that he wouldn't stand in her way; he would be next to her always and forever, in whatever capacity he could, wherever she sees it fit.

Did it hurt? Yeah, it hurt like hell, seeing her with all these obnoxious dumbasses that didn't deserve her. 

Contender after contender came and went like clockwork; only wanting Lizzie for her body or her reputation, treating her like an easy prey when all she has ever wanted was to be loved, and little did she know, she was loved. 

He loved her like no other and knew he always would. 

How could he not?

How could he not when Lizzie is just so Lizzie...

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