Chapter 27: You shall lose another Teen...

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Edinburgh - Outside the American Diner:

"It was him. I'm sure. I need to find him." Josie was running and running after the curly-haired boy "Landon? Landon? Wait. It's me. It's Jo. Landon... Please slow down, I just want to talk to you."

Josie's behaviour was shifting to an erratic degree and boy did she know it...

She was agitated most of the time and perplexed when she wasn't. Her sleep patterns were quite unusual. Come to think of it, the last time she slept was ... In Hope's bed.

Oh! Hope... Why couldn't you have come to this school any sooner? Maybe you would have witnessed a more ordinary Josie... A typical girl who likes singing... A typical girl with no issues or stress ... A typical high school girl with ambitions and dreams. But no... You had to come to school this year ... And kiss me after my childhood friend was kidnapped... And then take me on our first date ... Or whatever it is called ... After a fire erupted on school grounds ... What a fucked-up timeline.

Hope feels like ... It feels right with her. But can the right person come at the wrong time? And if so... How would this even work?

"Josie, can you slow down? Wait for me! Josie?" Hope was practically whimpering at this point, striving to catch up with Josie.

The brunette was running ahead with no clear objective or target... chasing her fears and dread.

Hope couldn't see any curly-haired boy or any boy for that matter. All she could see were streets, absorbing all the emotions erupting in the air, absorbing sunshine and injecting it into its soles. The pavement was getting harder and warmer under Hope's shoes and Hope was getting tired of running. Hope was an athlete, yes, but running without a ball turned out to be harder than expected. The tall brunette suddenly stopped, caught out of breath, and Hope just slammed into her, not able to slow down her pace before the crash.

A violent collision brought 2 bodies together and the auburn-haired girl caught the brunette preventing her dive.

The city held a merge of different sounds, encompassing wheels and random chatter. It was calming in a way, as if the streets were reassuring both girls that life will carry on.

"Jo. Are you okay?"

Josie hummed in response.

"Jo. Hey. Talk to me."

"It was him. I am sure... It was Lan...It was him..."

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"I believe you, Jo."

"Oh my god! You must think I am crazy."

"I don't."

"Or maybe I am... I'm losing my mind."

Josie snapped at Hope. Josie snapped at herself. Josie snapped at the world.

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