Chapter 38: People are dropping like flies over there.

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Flashback - 2 Weeks ago

"Lemmens, we're hitting the town on a double date tomorrow night."

"Trigger, I'd rather not third-wheel you and your latest catch."

"All you gotta do is flash those baby blues, Ayla. You're the runner-up school heartthrob, after me, naturally."

"Naturally. And who's my supposed date? Guy? Girl?"

"Does it matter? You've got universal appeal."

"... Really?"

"Okay, fine. I'm just freaked out and could use a wing woman."

"Fine, I'm in."

The scene was playing through Ayla's mind like an unfamiliar lullaby, one that was hindering any chances she had of dozing off.

It was as if she thought revisiting this sequence of events would give her some clue as to why she accepted this ordeal without caution.

Thoughts: What the hell did I get myself into??

You see, Ayla was going on her first-ever blind date.

Ayla was also going on her first-ever double date.

Yes, two for the price of one.

Did she mention that she hated blind dates almost as much as she hated double dates?

But she still said yes. Why?

To aid an Acquaintance? To please a Classmate? To help a Friend?

Were they friends? She and Trigger were anything but.

Elizabeth Saltzman was an absolute lunatic. She was annoying. She was obnoxious. She was arrogant, manipulative, impatient, disrespectful, impulsive, indecisive... Ayla hated each one of those traits.

And yet, she couldn't bring herself to hate Elizabeth.

Lost in a sea of fervent thoughts, Ayla's mind finally surrendered and drifted to sleep, unable to fight the fatigue any longer.

D-D Day:

"Knock, knock..."

Ayla, slightly amused by her friend's antics, plays along.

"You do realize knocking and then saying 'knock, knock' is redundant, right?"

"Humour me. You're supposed to say, 'Who's there?'"

Ayla, rolling her eyes but with a hint of a smile, indulges Lizzie.

"Alright, who's there?"


"Lizzie, I'm not in the mood for—"

"No, no, you gotta say, 'Figs who?'"

Ayla, sighing but curious about where this is going.

"Figs who?"

Lizzie, unable to contain her amusement, laughs before delivering the punchline.

"Figs the doorbell, I've been out here ages. Get it? HA!"

Ayla couldn't help but laugh as well, despite the silliness. "You're unusually chipper today."

"Because it's DD-Day, Lemmens!"


"Double Date Day, duh!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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