Chapter 18: She was mad at the world.

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New Orleans:

"Detective Cordelia called again" sighs Freya, a frown of disapproval on her face.

Her worries over her niece were starting to cloud her judgment, and she wasn't sure how they should react anymore or what the ideal strategy would entail exactly. She needed to find ways to mitigate the menace and get the detective off their back, without encouraging Rebecca's thirst for blood.

"At this point, I think we should hire an operator just to handle her fucking calls or invest in a dedicated phone line. It is ridiculous how persistent she can be, and this is starting to seriously piss me off" snarls Rebecca, her voice soaking in disgust.

"She knows that she has nothing to charge her with. This is just a fishing expedition. They must be bored out of their minds, at the station. Probably got nothing better to do than harass teenagers" intervened Keelin with a smirk on her face.

"If she is so bored, I am sure I can arrange to end her suffering by putting a stake through her heart. Or maybe spice up her life with a little danger. I have never had complaints before."

Rebecca was envisioning a few techniques she could perform to terrify the detective, blending a hint of intimidation, a pinch of coercion, a tad of duress, and just a small dash of peril to refine the mix.

"Hard to complain when you are not breathing anymore" whispered Freya.

"Yeah, well if Nik were here, he would have sent her a wrapped gift box with her husband's head inside."

"Okay let's just take things one step at a time. We don't need to dismember anyone yet, Becks. Marcel has already arranged for Roman to join Hope at the Salvatore School and he assured me that he will give a call to the commissioner if the harassment continues. Walter White craves the congressman's approval after all so he wouldn't jeopardize his position and network for this silly witch hunt."

"Fine. I hope she gets the message before we have to switch from words to body parts. I still think sending her a severed finger would do the job, but I will put a pin in my plans for now."

"Thank you, Becks. That is awfully mature of you" retorts Freya, amused by her sister's reaction.

"You know... I really miss her. The house feels so empty without her" interjects Keelin.

Her eyes were glazed, and her gaze focused on one of Hope's paintings. The latter portrayed Freya and Keelin embraced in a mix of bright colors. Pale and dark merged in a beautiful union, representing a harmony of souls. It was as if human eyes could not perceive where one body began and the other ended. The painting elicited emotions of love and adoration. Hope had gifted them this painting for their anniversary, and Freya had rushed to hang it on the wall.

Freya has always been hesitant at letting people in, showing her emotions, and maybe she hadn't shown Hope enough... But she loved Hope like her own daughter and would protect her with everything she has, even at her own peril.

"Our niece is a tough cookie. I am sure she has taken that school by storm" answers Rebecca to ease Keelin's doubts, a prideful grin on her face.

"Caroline has assured me that students are fawning over her already. Apparently, she has a few admirers too" complements Freya in joyful haste.

"Can't say I am surprised. She did inherit that Mikealson charm that drew me in so easily". Keelin winks at Freya mischievously and Freya gives her a quick chaste kiss on the lips, thoroughly enjoying the compliment she received.

"Get a room. I prefer lesbian porn in HD format."

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