Chapter 13: Meeting of Bullshit.

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A/N - As is the life of people who are seeing the problems compared to the ones who can just sit back and ignore it. As normal I own nothing but this au of the original story.

Your POV

*You are sitting at the conference table sitting with two other scouts one being Erwin the next being Hanji but you know well that Levi is outside of the room as you three are being forced to listen to the berating from the military police and part of the garrison that are being suck ups*

If it wasn't treason I would kill you, you, you, definitely you, maybe you, I'm surprised I have held back on killing you, you, you, you, you, definitely you lord definitely, not you, hmm who else?

Military Police officer "Scout Corporal Y/L/N are you listening!"

You "Of course I'm listening to this bartering that is leading to nowhere sir."

Military police officer "How dare you give that sort of attitude to a superior I'll have your head!"

*You stand up calmly walking to the officer who is standing and trying to load his rifle as you see the others not even attempting to stop him as the higher ups seem to nod in agreement as you grab the the weapon letting him hold it still*

You "If you're going to try and kill me then back it up with the strength to do so."

Military police officer "Why I never! Release my weapon!"

*the room goes quiet as they hear metal creaking loudly as everyone looks towards the interruption as they see the gun bending and breaking the wood of it as the officer let's go and you grab it and bend it into a circle before giving it back to him after he's fell down and you look him dead in the eyes yours not changing from there empty like e/c*

You "tell me are we going to finish this meeting or am I going to break every single one of your guns."

Erwin "Y/N please sit back down."

You "...Whatever"

*You return to your seat as the higher ups that aren't the scouts watch you with a hint of fear in their eyes as Erwin continues speaking*

Erwin "Normally Corporal Y/L/N actions would be an act of treason but as it was in an act of self defense and the only damage was a gun I'm sure it's not that much of a loss now then is there anything of great importance that is in need of immediate discussion? If not I'm quite certain that none of us would like to stay here."

*No one dared raise their voices except a garrison member*

Garrison member "Well we do need something about the other titan that seemed to have appeared with Scout Yeager as it appeared and then vanished with Sasha on its head what had happened?"

I'm impressed they finally wanted an answer for that

You "I can luckily answer that very easily. I saw Sasha and said Titan and I proceeded to kill it when it was closer to the forested area as I was left stranded there in a tree as my gas canisters that day got busted by a glancing graze of the colossal titan that appeared that day."

Garrison member " Then how'd you kill that titan?"

You "Easily as some in here met me when I was much, much younger. I jumped from the tree as it was passing by and stabbed into the titans back sliding some but gaining a foothold along its skin and then I began climbing up its back with my blades until I reached its nape and then cut it. I almost fell but was able to get my blades in and Sasha just hooked into the tree at that point."

Garrison Member "Can Sasha confirm that story in the exact same fashion."

You "Without a doubt in my mind."

*they seem to flinch back some as they were expecting you to be flustered somewhat but instead you were completely relaxed about the matter*

I'm glad during that return trip before we made it back we had discussed a story as to what happened to my titan

*someone brings in Sasha and based on your posture she knows what it's for.*

Sasha "Was I requested for something?"

Garrison member "Yes do you know what had happened to the titan that appeared the same day as eren that carried you off?"

Sasha " Y/N killed it after jumping from a tree in the forest and climbing his way up its back with his blades then cutting its nape I hooked into the tree as he nearly fell but caught himself and sliding down its back with his blades after he got down I asked him what happened and he said he got launched into the forest by a glancing graze from the colossal titan and it busted his gas canisters. So I gave him a couple of mine so we could get back to the city where we then saw the issue relating to eren."

*The higher ups make a sour face as if they were hoping for a difference from my story and her story yet that matched up completely with what most reports from witnesses could see and report without even a hint of a difference as the closest ones at that point was Y/N and Sasha and the stories are a complete match to each other and said in their own words*

Garrison member "no more questions."

Erwin "Then let's allow Y/N group rest as they most definitely had a rough trip back from their base."

*The meeting adjourns as you, Sasha, Erwin, and Hanji exit the room in a small group as Levi joins*

Levi "We will have to do a practice battle again soon Y/N."

You "Of course Levi but first things first I need to rest.*

Hanji "Yes you and Sasha go rest. I feel like they are going to try and give your group and my group an annoying task before tomorrow is half way through."

You "I really wish I could deny that. I really do."

A/N - bam chapter done next would be the Courtney story hmm that will take a few moments to put together. Anyway  till then


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