Chapter 9: Titan Killing Training

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A/N- Lets get this started as usual I own nothing but the story line.

Your POV

*is watching them all do their warm up exercises to have fewer issues before today's training* You "ATTENTION!" *they all stand up and go to attention in front of you* You "Alright you four it's time for me to have you four do some titan killing now it won't be the same as it was in the city by any nature there you had an absurd amount to fight with possible back up and in Eren's case his ability that he won't be allowed to use this time and you have to kill ten titans no more or less if I have to I'll save you from death but until you kill all ten of your titans of your own current skills you aren't eating." *their eyes go wide even Sasha's knowing your not lying about the punishment either your dead serious on making sure it gets done and done right and you continue to speak* "and the most important difference is that you all will be in the forest meaning you'll have no clue of the layout and it will be different for each of you and there going to be live titans you have to kill but to make sure you all don't try to kill more I trapped 40 of them in four different cages meaning 10 a cage so who wants to be first up." *they seem to be trying to figure out who first and Armin raises his hand and speaks*


You "Good all follow me now." *you start walking to the forest more specifically to the west side of the forest and there is a giant cage with ten titans ranging from a seven meter to a fourteen-meter titan and their eyes widen as you calmly hook onto the and a tree as Eren, Mikasa, and Sasha hook onto the tallest tree and Armin hooks to a different tree as you let the first ten titans out of the cage, and they all seem focused on Armin and go after him some abnormals in the mix as you four watch as he hooks to a different titan as if focused on separating them to kill one by one*

Armin's POV

I know having them all together is to risky, so I have to separate them to kill them off without regrouping them *I dodge a jumper just barely in time and get behind and slice its nape wide open and move on knowing without a doubt there is no room for error one mistake could easily be my life as I cut through another titan then move on keeping steady breathing and focus on the entire field it being clear that there is a limit to what all I can do if I want to finish this fast or I'm going to lose all my current blades and gas, so I keep going until I finally kill the last titan panting and hook back to them* You "Well done Armin you did wonderful keeping watch on all the varying factors and having a different strategy for each and changing tactics as seen fit."

Armin "T-thank you sir!"

You "Never a problem but make sure to work on your stamina more or you'll be doomed in the future understood."

Armin "Sir yes sir!"

You "Good Mikasa your next up." *she nods as we head to the north and there's another ten titans all ranging from three meters to twenty meters as Y/N repeats what he did for me as we go to where he has his hook at for us as he opens the cage and there seems to be more abnormals and one that seems to be crawling even it is as if he gave Mikasa the most difficult titans to face*

Mikasa's POV

*I blast out of their knowing he tailored the titan variants to us and are specific skill sets he has more titans of difficulty for me to face and it's clear he knew I would have gone to instantly kill them before they had a chance, so he has unknown titan for me to kill as I start killing the normal ones off quickly barely avoiding a jumping titan and the crawling titan as I need to separate them but it's not easy when they seem to both jump and hit hard if not careful as the jumping titan slams into the ground and I swing off the crawling titan following me fast it clear I need to kill it immediately as go just high enough to avoid its attack and then slice its nape wide open as I see the jumping titan hot on my trail now as I avoid it just in time to get behind and kill it as the last titan panting fairly heavily from the difficulty of always moving and return to Y/N* Mikasa "Done all ten are dead."

You "Good your skills are nearly unmatched by your ability to adapt is quite impressive but it's clear that when faced with two titans like the last two you struggled to separate them which is understandable considering what they are it's unbelievably dangerous to face them inexperienced so I want you to study them when we return to the home base understood."

Mikasa "Sir yes sir." *you nod*

You "Eren your next up remember no titan form for this."

Eren "Yes sir!" *Y/N leads us the southwest till the middle then pure west to the next cage and repeats his previous actions, and we go to our positions as he opens the cage full of titans varying from seven meters to eighteen meters, and they start chasing him most running meaning there abnormals or a jumping titan no crawling titans it seems*

Eren's POV

*I go to kill them all right then and there only to nearly be smacked down as Y/N pulls me to him and speaks quickly* You "use your brain Yeager you can't kill all ten titans right there you need to spread them out or you'll get yourself killed am I clear."


You "Good now remember your trying to survive and kill all hesitate and you'll die try to attack all ten at once you'll die." *I nod as he lets me go and I go and start killing them one at a time it much more difficult than I was expecting it to be especially without permission to use my shifting ability but I finally kill the last one panting as I return ashamed of myself for the poor showing of skill* You "Where to start first study a few tactic books second train more in the use of your skills without shifting and third learn how to read the battlefield continually only using the same tactics learn to change them or you'll get fucking killed out there against anymore or the same but more difficult am I clear Yeager!"


You "Sasha your next." *he leads us to the east of the forest to the last cage with the last ten with same size variations of Mikasa and Y/N repeats the last three actions of hook to a tree and the lock, and we go to his hook and Sasha goes to a different tree as he opens the cage and goes to us, and they instantly are after Sasha*

Sasha's POV

*I instantly move away from them to separate them all it clear Y/N had put no normal titans for me to kill meaning I need to keep moving and keep watch of my gas and blades and most importantly my surroundings as I avoid a jumping titan and kill it and keep going moving from one titan to another to another to another then nearly getting trapped by one then changing tactics to deal with two of kill the largest threat to the smallest one and finally killing the last titan returning to Y/N* You "Well done always moving and changing tactics when seen fit the only issue is careful to never get cornered by two yes that's difficult but that could have ended you if you weren't careful understood?"

Sasha "Sir yes sir!"

You "good training is done lets return bathe eat rest and get ready for next training day understood everyone?"


You "Good." *he turns leading us out of the forest as I look at him* it seems he is definitely planning to train us to hell and back to make us ready for anything .... Y/N your crazy but your damn effective as a leader.

A/N - There we are that too a little time but hope you enjoyed and until next time enjoy.


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