Chapter 18: The Silent Trip

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A/N - alright then oh by the way the way one reason any updates will be delayed are usually as followed. One I work and it is random hours one day I could be up at 3:30am for work then the next my shift could be at 2pm for the shift that day it's why I don't write on work days or not much. Two writers block depending on the story of what needs updating but it just appears and I can't get anything in my mind flowing. Finally three is the fact that even if it doesn't seem like it normally some things that I do in the terms of writing vary so greatly in what it is that it takes a whole other mindset for me to get into the mind of the pov so I try to be accurate just not perfectly. But other then that I don't write on days I work at least not major story updates that are going to be coming out normally or sooner rather than later versus say some things I write (still writing even) that has thousands of words in it already that is so far into the future that if I do it then and oy in one day it will be shit. Anyway hope you enjoy and apologize for the long author note.

Your POV

*You continue to lead your small group along carefully making sure that no one is leaving major or easily to track human signs or if their are any that they are spread out for several meters to just vanish into air afterwards with varying degree of severity types as you and you're group continue forward knowing that it will take time to be tracked down as you continue onwards attempting to keep track of the time of day knowing that the sun is going to be both the best and worst friend for the mission as you continue to be on high alert as the sun is starting to raise as you give the sign for you and you're group to hide in the darker areas as well as planning how to blend into normal travelers while also needing to be able to keep the weapons in easy access to get away from the titans that are bound to attack without looking suspicious which is a lot harder than people might realize knowing that its such a fine balance between to simple looking and to obvious while also knowing that it will be a task to kill the titans without leaving a trace especially this early on in the mission as well as using the presence erasing one being even more difficult to use easily out in the fields but it makes it that much easier to spot a titan shifter as long as they have self control they notice me no matter what and will attempt to attack foolishly at that*

We only have a few minutes of nighttime left. We will have to change into our traveling clothes before exiting the forest.

*You motion for them to converge to you as you make a quick yet silent gesture as they nod understanding that you'll have to change clothes soon silently as you nod to the others knowing the risks available if not careful enough as well as making sure to change clothes quickly and then hiding it in the travel bags its the major reason you had very few requests of the scout commander and it was to make sure that there were hidden checkpoints to hide in and sleep for a few hours each to keep us functioning as well as to get a horse and carriage to make it seem like an actual traveling group a small one at that as you and you're group continue to walk carefully and silently but not before you motion to who will be whose changing partner as it will leave you to be alone during it but You know that its better that way in your case as you all continue to travel forward you not picking up on anything out of the ordinary at the moment as you then proceed to stop and motion for Sasha and Mikasa to go left while you motion for Armin and Eren go right to change quickly as they instantly go to do so as you silently remove you're clothes for quiet night missions as you proceed to change clothes quickly knowing that it won't take them too long to do so as Sasha and mikasa get back just in time for sasha to see the scars along you're body but mikasa didn't as her eyes were blocked as you finish changing clothes Armin and Eren make it back to the group as you continue to the grassy plains after the forest silent as you lead each of them to the single checkpoint you know about all to well soon after reaching the location you all enterthe location mostly just glad that no one was walking the path at the moment as you enter the area that looks unmantained of a checkpoint as you then look around the empty room and knock on a certain floorboard in a strange and rapid way knowing that its the needed one to get away as a it opens up a pair of eyes stare up into you're lifeless E/C that show all to many experiences more than what the average person had ever experienced and ever should have as they quickly open the way in as you have them enter first as you enter last motioning for them to close it just incase as you motion to the one who opened the door down to show to the rooms that will be needed as you all are lead to the rooms to then see the guide do a different sort of knock as it opens a sliding part of it before opening showing a staircase thats decently lit as you all enter the guide bowing before walking to the entrance as you all get deeper into the area reaching a point where there are actual areas to rest causing you to nod as they hand you two different plaques one that shows a three for three people as the other is for two people as you nod in understanding as you give the one of three to Mikasa as you then point to her, Eren, and Armin as you then motion them to follow a different guide asyou and sasha follow the same one reaching a room a bit further away as you and Sasha enter the room as the guide bows exiting the area as you mentally sigh closing the door and covering it with a muffler to ruin any sound from exiting easily as you nod to Sasha letting her know its okay to talk now*

Sasha: "This has been an almost peaceful trip."

*You sigh*

You: "You say peaceful, I say bullshit and risky as we are going to be leaving this place with a new carriage and horse."

Sasha: "True what will we do about sleeping on the road?"

You: "Turns in the carriage in a way that will be difficult to tell if its just a product or a person with a cover for so it should be warm inside of it."

Sasha: "What About you knowing you? You'll try to avoid sleeping even more so."

You: "Simple after you all have slept in turns every two cycles I'll sleep. With you in it so you can make sure I'll actually do so."

Sasha: "That means actual sleep and no frisky activities Y/N."

You: "No promises."

A/N - Done now I'm tired till next time.


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