Chapter 7: Trust Exercises

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A/N well here we are again no I don't forget about my stories just busy most of the time anyway enjoy also I own Nothing but the story.

Your POV


You "You're not fully ready yet"


You "Because I Actually have experience with it Yeager I have actually been through the damn thing called the Giant ass trees you all aren't ready for it yet."

Mikasa "What about us doesn't make us ready we have gone through training fully?"

You "Simply put you all trust each other fairly well but not enough to truly survive the forest it's filled with titans beyond the brim you aren't ready yet until you all trust each other to the point you won't worry if you miss the kill they will finish it off for you while you all can keep moving onwards

Armin "What do you mean?"

You "I'm going to make you all go through intense trust exercises."

Sasha "Y/N you don't mean those do you?"

You "Yes I do"

*she visibly shivers and they look confused as you are smiling what seems to be insanely* You "Meet me in the yard at 0600"

Them "SIR YES SIR!!!!"

*you nod and start walking away to the yard to get the hell set up* You "DISMISSED!!!!" *they instantly go off to their rooms to get ready for what you're going to do for it differently than others while your setting up different 'courses' for them to get through it being more difficult than others as you are smiling evilly*

Sasha's POV

*I was just grabbing some water and some snacks nothing more nothing less* Sasha "Y/N why are you so evil with this shit."

Armin's POV

*I grabbed rations and water and light equipment not knowing how to prepare for it so I tried studying Sasha's reactions to learn and she was just groaning so I assumed it's not good at all* Armin "Just what is he planning?"

Mikasa's POV

*I grabbed rations and water and equipment nothing else as I started to do push-ups while in thought* Mikasa "what is he up to."

Eren's POV

*I grabbed water and rations and full gear* Eren "I'm ready for anything"

Your POV

*you were waiting as they all get there right in time* You "Right on time." *I see the gear on them besides Sasha so I walk to them and remove their gear* You "you just need Food and water if you have gear on then you're not going to do well." *you lead them to the first obstacle* You "the teams are Sasha with Eren. Mikasa and Armin. Any complaints you'll have to beat me in a close quarters combat and I'll have a hand behind my back but you can ask Sasha just how dangerous that is." *they see Sasha nearly on the ground shivering* Mikasa "understood."

You "also both you and your partner both must finish if you don't I'll send you right back down." *they looked shocked besides Sasha as she stands up and takes Eren's hand and you motion for Mikasa and Armin to get moving as you start wall running for a bit before jumping and grabbing the edge and get to the top of the structure with ease* You "well what are you waiting for start climbing." *they start climbing trying to get up there and Sasha is helping Eren when he's close to falling and vice versa same with Mikasa and Armin and then you moved them to the next was required to move at the same speed as the other and it wasn't easy for them either but it was showing the outlook of their friend having to move at the same exact speed as the other making them learn more about them and what to do to help them get better understandings of the other person witch is surprising how much it's actually helping them move differently to help the other out in multiple tasks as you watch over calmly and before they start the half way point you stop them* You "Stop and refuel you have fifteen minutes to reenergize yourselves." *they partially collapse exhausted from both surprise tiredness even Mikasa is exhausted to her for unknown reasons* Mikasa "How hard is this training?"

Sasha "Were still on the easy stuff."

Eren "This is easy?!?!?!"

Sasha "Yes, it is he has more in mind and to many times over is he dead right about the situations we might have to do it two times for us all to fully understand and trust each other."

Armin "TWO MORE TIMES!!!!"

Sasha "Yea one for the current teams then switch to different ones then switch to a final team that way we cover all bases with each other it's exhausting but effective as can be."

Mikasa "How many breaks total will we get?"

Sasha "This is the first the next one comes after finishing the rest of the course so in total six breaks."

Armin "Is that why he told us not to use are gear?"

Sasha "Yes if you had even light gear on you would be too tired to function after the first half but rations are different he won't touch them if it's not his he's not the stealing type but he is a person true to his word he will hold to it the entire time without eating it and he will train us into tip top shape if he has to."

You "Right you are Sasha now here is some water you get the rations after the first round." *they nod and you give them some water as they drink it and stop panting as well so you get them started soon after on the last half of the course and they now realized just how hard it actually is and without there partner they stand no chance at actually finish it all without help is impossible to face and even with help it nearly isn't enough either and when they finally got to the end and face plant into the ground as you hand there food to them* You "thirty minute rest then switch with each other once and get ready for the next round.

A/N - and done hope you all enjoyed and until next time.


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