Chapter 8: Weekend break

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A/N- its been a while for this

Your POV

You "Alright you four you get a two-day rest period now after that I'm going to put you four through hell training with gear meaning titan killing and I'll tell you if you're using too much gas or power in your blades so get your ass rested and ready no questions asked understood!"

Them "SIR!"

You "Good now get outta my sight." *they move to their rooms too get clothes to wash up and change clothes after bathing which the place is near hot springs that you built a wall to separate sides so no peeping happens depending on who is in the camp as you sigh and head to the forest like area of the camp* You "hmm I feel like this place will be big enough to practice the killing but now to get some titans here hmm..." *you start grinning as you are far out of sight and sound and change into your titan form not needing to screech you just find a varying amount of titans and trap them in the forest and count in total thirty-five titans so you start thinking about catching five more for forty titans meaning ten kills for each of them* back to work hopefully there behaving at camp

Sasha's POV

*I was cooking and thinking about things* Y/N has to hide so much of his history and none of it is making it easy for him to hide and considering how he is it is a surprise he can do what he does hmm I know I'll cook him some food he's always said he liked my cooking more than anyone else's food and I enjoy cooking plus the meat is easily used then *I smirk at the thought about being able to cook with some meat it's a rare yet valuable thing to be allowed to do, so I already know I have to be careful when cooking with it having no more would mean hunting would need to be done* Sasha "I've decided I'll go and cook for everyone meaning a stew would be the best choice of food to fill five people enough." *I rush to the kitchen and start to look for the right tools and ingredients for the meal*

Armin's POV

*I'm looking through the study I'm allowed to enter with anyone as well and I start looking at the titles of the books seeing hundreds of tactical books and medical books and hundreds of more things like cook, hunting, and many more it's like a national library inside wall Rose and apparently in Wall Sina it's similar to this maybe more than some libraries but it doesn't matter it gives me a perfect amount to look at to study through for hours* Armin "Hmm which first? Medical? Tactical? Or maybe history? So many options so little time." *I settle on the tactical aspects of things then medical and last but certainly not the least history it will give me several advantages over things when coming up with strategies of attack and help*

Mikasa's POV

*I'm looking at Y/N's quarters curious as to what it looks like considering his position it's probably nicer than ours so without much thought I open his door and it shows similar style to ours if not worse off considering how many things litter his desk as I go in looking around and start reading some papers out loud* Mikasa "Tactical advantages in different terrains, most efficient way to trap titans, most dangerous way to train, how to actually rest longer than three hours, appointment to commander, letter from Hanji about mental stability training?, letter from Sasha's dad about his thoughts of him and his daughter... so much stuff and little of it is strange but Hanji's letter to Y/N why would that be on here?" *I decide to leave his room not really understanding anymore about him then when I started this little search of mine through his room*

Eren's POV

*I'm groaning sense Y/N left us paperwork Sasha, Armin, and Mikasa did there's but I put mine off now I have to do it since he already said if it wasn't done by a certain point he'd personally train us in his own regiment and Sasha's reaction to it was a screech of fear so it's better to get this taken care of now than later* Eren "this is ridiculous to do and considering it's hand-written it makes it all the more annoying to deal with let's see.... What in the hell is he talking about back up uniforms and special operations uniforms? Wait what.... I'M GOING TO HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO SEW IF MY UNIFORMS GET DAMAGED!!!!!" *I groan mentally at the thought of sewing my clothes if I mess them up* this guy is insane but considering how he is its easier to learn how to sew then cross him any day of the week *I sigh* Eren "He doesn't make this easy on us to do, but he's no fool at the least"

Your POV

*you start walking back to the camp back to your normal form already smelling the delicious smell of stew* You "mmmm Sasha's cooking stew and it's smell heavenly" *you walk faster to the camp getting there fairly quickly considering how it is a good distance from the forest* Sasha "get the next training regiment ready already?"

You "yes it's not that difficult for me how comes dinner?"

Sasha "Just finishing it up a bit then I'm good to go on serving it."

You "okay I'll check on them."

Sasha "okay tell them to wash their hands please."

You "always" *you head to their study and look in seeing Armin inside and walk to him without him noticing you* You "I'd say also focus on your surroundings while working or you'd be killed with ease." *he jumps and looks at you* Armin "sorry commander is there something you need?"

You "get ready for dinner or you'll miss some stew or meat tonight so wash your hands."

Armin "Of course sir." *you see Mikasa on the other table asleep* You "tell her for me I'll get Eren"

Armin "Okay sir good luck" *you head to Eren's room and open the door and see him finishing the paperwork and stretch* You "Yeager get ready for food and wash your hands it's Stew tonight" *you grab the paperwork* Eren "Yes sir." *you take your stuff into your study and go to Sasha and get your food eat and go to the study and look them over calmly for the rest of the night*

A/N - done I'll be working on the other updates that I have to do at a later point when I have the time to do so tomorrow until then enjoy.


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