Chapter 5: The Trial

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A/N - alright here we go I'll keep this to the point I own nothing but the story and that's it so hope you all enjoy.

Your POV

*you and everyone else held burials for any and all who lost there lives during Trost and when you and a few high ranked soldiers finished you left as Sasha ran up to you* Sasha "SIR!" You "At ease" *she relaxes and gets a serious look on her face as she speaks to you* Sasha "Y/N there holding a trail for Eren trying to decide weather he's a threat to humanity or not." *you groan and start speed walking to the area with Sasha right behind you meeting with Hanji and Levi along the way as you head to the Court room giving a quick jest of the situation* Hanji "Y/N what's going on?" Levi "For once I agree with shitty glasses what's going on?" You "One cadet was found to be capable of changing into a titan we used the skill to plug the hole that lead into Trost but he had lost his mind for a bit and went to attack me immediately now there trying to decide to either give to the Military Police to have him executed or to give him to us since we could actually have a use for him its but you know how they are there little ass bitches when they see titans making it difficult to get the idiots listen so let's go take care of this just like old times Levi." *he nods as Hanji gets you both into the room with Sasha as you and Levi walk to Eren* You "So I had a little bird tell me that the Military Police were being little bitches now normally that isn't a surprise." Levi "but when there is such a grand tactical advantage right in front of us that we know how to use oh so much better then the fools thinking he needs to die so badly why is it because he's a monster?" Random MP "WELL DUH HE TRIED TO ATTACK COMMANDER L/N!!!!" You "key word tried and failed while all you MP's do is sit on your damned asses all fucking day us scouts are out on the field getting smarter, stronger, faster, and oh so much braver don't believe me then come on send your best MP's will beat there asses into there ground before they can attack us so take your pick but if you think he's a monster then you need wake up call since I know a true monster I was tortured by one for five or so years so try and tell me whose the true monster Eren fucking Yeager, Me and Levi, or the one who tortured a three year old until they were eight years old? not that they stopped because they escaped but because the first fucking wall fell so try and tell me who do you believe is the true monster to them?" *they go silent Levi, Hanji, and Sasha say nothing since they already know this while the MP go to ask for your proof since that's an extremely steep claim and is very much so it's own court case* Judge "That's a steep Claim Commander L/N do you have any evidence to back it up?" *you start chuckling before you gain your normal long gone look in your eyes* You "Do I have proof the answer a fuck ton of it I remember the exact location where it happened, I remember every single last second of it like the back of my god damn hand and I have a consent fucking reminder THAT WILL NEVER BE FUCKING GONE AND SEEING ME LOSE EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF MY EYES!!!" *you remove your top fully tossing it aside revealing hundreds of scars, injection points and across your back a mark that says 'TEST SUBJECT NUMBER 14861 CODE NAME LAB RAT' people look shocked disgusted some rush out of the the room feeling sick while some just don't know how to react* You "YOU THINK I WOULD EVER WANT TO REMEMBER THAT HELL THAT I HAD TO CALL MY DAMNED LIFE I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED TO HAVE BEEN KILLED THEN LIVE THROUGH THAT BUT I DIDN'T GET A FUCKING CHOICE WHILE TH MP WAS SUPPOSE TO FIND ME I LEARNED THAT THEY LOOKED FOR A WEEK BEFORE CALLING IT A DAMN COLD CASE!!!" *no one said a word while Levi and Hanji glared at them as Sasha just looked at you knowingly how much you would wake up screaming in terror thinking the day was just a dream it never got easier for you if anything it got harder you have long accepted you'll never be truly free in your life because of factors of how mentally broken they got you* Judge "you can put your top back on... please..." *you do so and make an ending verdict* You "I will never get those years back but be damn sure that both me, Levi, and Hanji can keep scout Yeager in fucking check even with him as a titan and we will free us from the walls what can the Military Police do?" *the judge stops and considers the facts and proof that you were unharmed by Eren and even if you were you are so far broken from past experiences and finding out that the MP gave up just after a week of trying to search for you and based off of your reaction from just explaining it that's probably not the only reason you definitely know more then you will say right now so he makes his decision quickly* Judge "Eren Yeager goes with the scouts under Commander Y/N L/N and that is final!" *he slams the gavel down and it makes the word final as you and Levi kick the thing holding Eren and it sends the top flying off as Levi carries Eren you motion for Mikasa and Armin to come with you as you all walk to your office Sasha Following you with the two you motioned for as well as Levi and Hanji and when you enter you go behind your desk as Armin and Mikasa sit in front of you Sasha standing next to you Levi setting Eren in the middle of Armin and Mikasa as he stands behind them and Hanji stands in the way of the door as you wait until Erwin enters your office* You "it seems everyone is present and awake so let's begin Me and Eren know which regiment were going to and I know Sasha will follow me while you Mikasa and Armin will more then likely join the scouts but that's not were here to discuss." *they look confused as the the three nod to allowing you to speak about this* You "the four who are standing and my self have been keeping this hidden for good reason I have a strange ability to be insensible to any and all titans except ones that seem to have some form of intelligence meaning one who seems to not just be a titan now this wouldn't be to useful if it wasn't for the fact it was an entire area around me that was effected the size of my office it's quite large making me a fantastic person to stay close to during scouting missions and it's for that reason I get to make my entire squad Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Sasha you are going to be in my Squad but you will not say a damned word about this to anyone outside of this room we will mostly be with Levi, Erwin, and Hanji since I alone can kill multiple Titans but go out of my range and your long to late understood." Them "Sir yes sir!" you "good then dismissed we will be moving out in a few days." *they left besides Sasha, Hanji, and Levi* Levi "think they'll crack?" you "most likely not Mikasa and Armin will keep Eren and the other one in check." *they nod and leave as Sasha hugs you* You "I'll never get anything by you will I?" Sasha "nope you won't"

A/N - and done hope you all enjoyed more action more then likely next chapter.


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