Chapter 2: The Second Attack

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A/N - it took longer then I was thinking to come up with a title but oh well let's get started and as usual I own nothing but the story anything else in her belongs to there artist or creator anyway Hope you enjoy.

Your POV

*You and Sasha were standing at attention as you and the rest of the 104th cadet training group were graduating and they were announcing the top ten cadets you already knew that you were already in the scouts so you wouldn't be called out you just have to wait for Hanji to come get you to take you outside of the wall to start attacking the titans* Shadis "The top ten Cadets are Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bott, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus and Krista Lenz these Ten are allowed to go into any of the three branches The Survey Corp, The Garrison, or The Military Police the rest of you lot can choose between The Survey Corps or The Garrison the only Cadet that has no choice in this matter is Y/N L/N who is now allowed to use his true rank according to the higher ups!" *you are motioned to the stage and you go up there unwillingly since you rather stay with Sasha she already knows that you are Corporal in the scouts and you know she will follow you so you don't get yourself killed so when you stand next to Shadis people are looking at you confused as Sasha gives you a thumbs up as you take a quick breathe then look over the Crowd* You "ATTENTION!" *your voice booms over them silencing them before they even talk since your voice carried the power of ranks higher then them* You "CORPORAL Y/N L/N OF THE SCOUT REGIMENT IS PRESENT!" *they looked at you shocked wondering how and why as you lower your voice to not blow someones ear drums out* you "I had to go through the training regiment still but I am a special case putting me into this position if you have any questions don't ask me or Shadis we will not answer them and when Choosing chose wisely DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!" Cadets "SIR YES SIR!" You "good then At Ease and treat each other with respect that they have earned." *you turn to leave but yell one last thing* You "Cadet Sasha Braus come with me." *she comes next to you quickly and when you both are out of sight you lose your stern attitude since you hate speaking you found it cruel to have you but as Hanji had said that you will need to get used to it to give orders so you have to have Sasha with you or nearby to be able to which is why you called her to you since she hugs you as you hug back* Sasha "you did well Y/N" *you nod and hold her for a bit longer before letting go* you "let's get to the wall for what we have to do today a lot of things today." Sasha "CAN I HAVE MEAT!?!?!?" You "I'll grab some meat along the way but behave your self Sasha." *you stare at her sternly as she hugs you in happiness as you walk to the Equipment room and you both get equipped and head to the wall you being on the top of the wall being on lookout as Sasha goes and talks to a few different other people as you get a strange feeling in your gut as you look behind Eren not knowing why your instincts are telling you to get Sasha out of that spot but you ignore it until you see the colossal Titan appear and you instantly run to Sasha's spot and grab and toss her off the wall as she reacts by hooking onto the wall as you scream out an order* You "EVERYONE OFF THE DAMN WALL NOW!!!!" *they all jump and hook to the wall as you jump last getting smacked causing you to get sent away from the wall and into a forest barely alive but you know shit is going down you check your  three dimensional maneuver gear noticing that the gear its self is fine but the gas canisters you have are busted making it impossible to use and considering your distance you know without the gear or a horse it would be to far of a distance so you  let your wounds heal since you found out on accident when your thumb got bitten off by a bear and regrew within a few hours confusing you so when you bit the thumb to see if it was real or not and a Titans skeleton frame appeared around you shocking you and confusing you at the same time as you looked at your thumb to see that the bite mark was steaming until it healed and it reminded you of the titans so you just accepted it knowing it's pointless to argue with it and you tried again when you lost your pinky toe but couldn't so you figured you couldn't do so when you were missing a body part so you know you have no choice but to heal true you could make it to the wall by running but it is way to risky to do so since you know that your not allowed to reveal your ability of being unnoticed by titans unless it's a not truly only a titan if it shows human intelligence like the colossal or armored titan you learned that they seemed to notice your presence but that is it for now* you "... oh shit Sasha is going to be pissed and worried about me..."

Sasha's POV

*I was fuming the thing that hit Y/N sent him flying and if he's alive his gear might be damaged making him to vulnerable and the wall was kicked making it broken as well causing us to be unable to do anything but try and evacuate and it's not the easiest thing to do when the person you grew up with might be surrounded or worse and all because he had taken command and told us to get off the damned wall and went last causing him to get smacked away like a fly and I hate it since I want to make sure he's safe and alive over the years I started falling for him but if he dies it doesn't matter* please be alive Y/N....

A/N - and done for now anyway hope you enjoyed and until next time.


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