Chapter 15: The Training Morning Rollcall

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A/N - Now to write this chapter and then the pokemon one.

Your POV

*I shoot up awake as I begin looking around the room seeing Sasha asleep in the bed as I continue to look around I silently get up and out of the bed as I walk outside the room in some training gear as I begin to train my body once again as I start with the strength of my body as I then afterwards work on my speed and endurance as I go to the top of the walls as I do so and begin to run along the top of the wall in its entirety without my breath becoming ragged as I then grab my gear and run around the wall once again in my full gear now as my breath still doesn't become ragged as I finally stop sitting on the top of the wall looking ahead at the fields as I continue to watch around the location without my face changing in the slightest as I notice some titans that seem to be observing from a certain distance away from the wall almost as if they are trying to gather information as I stand up as I watch them my eyes narrowing*

Hmm?... Strange they shouldn't be there especially like that... something is off...

???: "ob...'ve t.. De...s".

Something is definitely wrong, is something trying to spy on us? t.. De...s? Observe? T.. the? De...s what the fuck is that supposed to mean.

*I write on the wall in a light scratch as the people who are patrolling the wall ignore me as I write the first two words as I then write the third of and the letters of it I know already as I try to think of what it would be as I feel like I know what it is in the back of my mind*

You: "Is it what I'm thinking or is it the other thing... it could be vil, but if so why or who is watching us... strange..."

*I sigh out of annoyance as I get up and start doing more laps along the wall while looking out of the corner of my eye as I notice titans in groups at a certain distance away not acting like they normally would be they seem to be just standing there not trying to approach the walls which if they did that would actually make sense to do based on their own nature yet sense they aren't doing, so they would have to be abnormals or under something's control but who... or what's control... there is no telling in this case as we have no knowledge or ways to gather it right now and sense we have to follow orders from people who haven't ever fought a titan nor are going to try too we are trapped in dealing with the fact we aren't making progress of any sort we are just trapped in this mess as there doesn't seem to be a way to get our sense we can't even gather information on what is happening, yet we have to gather information to make any progress, yet the fucking idiots in charge aren't even attempting to try to fix things as I finish my last lap I return to the city in the walls as I begin to read over some reports I received by some people on patrol on the walls some noting the odd behavior of the titans in the distance while others not a strange headache every so often but they aren't sure as to what from as they don't know what it was either but one reported that they fell asleep during the middle of the night, and they believe that in their dream was the wall but not from the top of it but from the forest as if they were just watching from the forest after reading the reports I begin to rub my temples in slight annoyance as I go and collect the past reports as they seem to be quite similar for the day and time it was happening as I grimace having a bad feeling now as the reports are seemingly the same from about half a year ago as I bite my thumb slightly but not in a way that triggers anything in me*

This isn't a good thing as If this has happened once only that's one thing, but this seems to be an issue that has happened more than once and at least twice a year what's worse it seems to go as far back as four years ago... if what I am thinking is right... We are being spied on, but from who or what I don't know... I would have to be able to break into their lines of communication and be able to decipher it, but how? I don't even know how it is happening or who is the one who is able even think about ordering the titans in any way that they have done so... Fucking hell, what the fuck type of headache did I run into that has been ignored.

*I begin to check and see who has been getting said reports prior as my eye begins to twitch in annoyance as I see it has been the military police as I then begin checking to see what was done to figure the causes out only to come up with nothing of help as my eyes begin twitching as I look towards the ceiling almost yelling loud enough to disturb everyone*

You: "They did nothing but say fuck off, pretty much. How much is their salary..."

*I look at the pay rolls through the books as I feel an anger in the back of my mind as I get up and storm towards the commander's office, the commander looking at me with a raised brow as I slam several items down without a word being said as they look from the stack of files and reports and book reports to me I say one sentence*

You "You asked me a while back why I don't like the MP read these and tell me why I should."

A/N - and done for now next update will be soon.

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