Chapter 4: Battle For Trost

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A/N - alright let's get this started as usual I own nothing but the story and that's it anyway hope you enjoy.

Your POV

*me and Sasha it to the top of the wall to see Armin, Mikasa, and Eren against the wall as the cannons are under command of someone under your rank so you take command* You "SOLDIERS WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!" *everyone even Sasha stands at attention from your sudden voice it stopped the ones on the cannons from acting rashly as well as the person wanted to tell them to fire but with you here that could be his final word as you get down the wall and walk in front of the man who was about to give the orders making him stand at attention as you stand in front of him since you greatly out rank him in every term* You "I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN MAGGOT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!" *he stays silent scared of answering you since if you don't like the answer you will not hesitate to send him into Trost alone with nearly empty gear it wouldn't have been the first time either so Mikasa speaks up* Mikasa "COMMANDER Y/N WE WERE RETURNING FROM THE FALL OF TROST AFTER RECOVERING EREN WHO SEEMS TO BE ABLE TO CHANGE INTO A TITAN HELPED US ESCAPE SIR!!" You "CADET ARMIN IS WHAT CADET MIKASA SAID ALL TRUE AND FOR ANY OTHER CADETS WHO WERE PRESENT IS WHAT SHE SPEAKS TRUE!!!!" Cadets besides Mikasa and Eren "SIR YES SIR!!!!" You " WOERMAN ON YOUR KNEES IN FRONT OF ME NOW!!!" *he instantly does so as you grab him by the hair making him stare you in the eyes as he starts shaking in horror* You "YEAGER DID YOU HAVE ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF BEING ABLE TO CHANGE INTO A TITAN!!!!" Eren "SIR NO SIR!" *you lower your voice as you talk to Kitz Woerman* You "Well it seems Mr.Woerman that you are extremely lacking in the ways of tactics you now have two choices you will either go back into training and learn some damned bravery or I'll KICK YOUR ASS MYSELF OFF THE TOP OF THE GOD DAMN WALL DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR WOERMAN!!!!" Woerman "CRYSTAL CLEAR SIR!!!!" You "CADETS ACKERMEN, YEAGER, AND ARLERT MEET ME ON THE TOP OF THE WALL IN EXACTLY FIVE MINUTES FROM NOW WITH BURAS UNDERSTOOD!!!" Them besides Sasha "CRYSTAL CLEAR SIR!!" *they leave to get ready since your more of ready to act type of leader* You "EVERYONE ELSE HERE I WANT YOUR ASSES IN YOUR FUCKING GEAR AND READY TO GO RECLAIM TROST IN THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE THEN YOU MAY BUT IF YOU DO I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN MY SELF FOR KNOWING A MILITARY SECRET SO BE WARNED STAY AND HAVE A CHANCE TO LIVE LEAVE AND AIM YOUR DAMN GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND SHOOT IT RIGHT NOW!!!" *five people do so and they just drop to the ground as the rest just salute you and scream out* Everyone else "SIR YES SIR!!!" *you turn and with Sasha go back up to the wall as you see Pyxis so you instantly salute as does Sasha* You & Sasha "SIR!!!" Pyxis "at ease" *you both go into a state of rest* Pyxis "so you have a plan Commander L/N" You "with all do respect sir I myself don't have a plan but I saw in Arlert's eyes that he does have a plan and I will put my life in the hands of his plans I believe with all parts of my life that it will work and if it doesn't then you can have my head if it fails." Sasha "Y/N! Your not serious are you?!?!"  You "Sasha you have known me for years tell me when I have joked?" Sasha "not once." Pyxis "hmm then Commander allow me to join in this meeting I'm interested in seeing his plan if your putting so much on the line." You "It would be my honor sir!" *he nods as you and Sasha wait for the three friends and as soon as they get to you two you nod* You "let's go Armin I know you had an Idea for reclaiming Trost so me and the others would like to hear it." Armin "of course but who else is with us why not just say it here?" You "Because Pyxis wants to here your plan as well Armin." *they do a double take as you continue walking and meet in a tent set up for tactical meetings as you and Sasha sit as Armin describes his Idea and you and Pyxis set up the groups and nod and leave the tent and set the teams/groups up quickly and efficiently as you and Sasha are on the front lines since she won't leave you be any longer then she has to as you all get ready to advance for taking Trost back* You and Pyxis "SOLDIERS LET'S MOVE OUT RED FLARE MEANS MISSION FAILED RETREAT IMMEDIATELY GREEN MEANS IT'S A SUCCESS AND CLEAR THE TITANS REMAINING BLUE MEANS REFILL AREA BLACK MEANS SPECIAL TITAN THAT SHOWS INTELLIGENCE AND TO BE WARY OF UNDERSTOOD!!!" Everyone "SIR YES SIR!!!" You "THEN LET'S MOVE OUT!!!" *you jump with Sasha off the wall and start heading to the titans as you see and kill one almost as if it is natural for you to do so and you seem to be showing no remorse for any titans since you have Mikasa, Eren, Sasha, and Armin with you being the leader as soon as you reach the bolder you clear any titans of it and you signal Eren to change into a titan and he does so as you notice his eyes seem more like an actual titan so you give your next order instantly* You "MOVE YOUR ASSES NOW HE NEEDS TO BE WOKEN UP!!!" *they instantly move as you dodge his attack and run along his arm as you hook into his face and instantly dodge his attack to himself knocking him to the ground motionless but his eyes still glowing* You "So Yeager this is the best you could do? Such a disappointment if so you will never be able to get your revenge for the lives lost today if you don't get your head into the game." *he starts standing and goes to pick the bolder up as you kill any approaching titans causing him to have a clean delivery as he slams it in place screaming in victory as you launch a Green flare into the air causing more to go up as you allow Mikasa and Armin to stay with Eren as You and Sasha to go clear the rest of the titans* You "we should celebrate in the survey corps." Sasha "MEAT!!!" You "will see."

A/N - and done hope you all enjoy next on Tuesday is the Blake story so until then.


Sasha X Broken Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now