Votes on what you are

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alright I was given a really good suggestion from SuperChiefJr so there has been some changes to it you can change your vote once since this wasn't a planned area but here are the options

1) Human with Mikasa like strength and Armin like knowledge but with Sasha's appetite.

2) Titan shifter that's like Eren except you have better control of your emotions and you can actually not get into a fight with someone everyone who dissed your opinion.

3) One Fourth Titan you won't be able to become an actual Titan but! Your form will change where you become physically stronger then a human, but still weaker then an actual titan shifter and slower then humans, but much stronger then both Mikasa and Levi if they aren't double teaming. You while with your swords you can cut into the armored titans armor but your swords will break from it It will make your teeth sharper as your eyes change from there normal color to the exact opposite color for example from blue to red, or vice versa from white to black, or vice versa and so on you will still have control of your self physically you only go into the form from biting your thumb, it does speed your healing up but not to the point of a titan shifter you can easily die from losing to many of your limbs, or blood you can lose something like a finger though and regrow it in about a week but if you lose an arm it might not come back depending on where it comes off from.

and those are the changes so again you can keep your vote the same or you can change up to you not me.


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