Chapter 19: The Lone Fight

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A/N - and now begins the final chapter of two possibly will see how I feel on that.

Your POV

*You get up quietly grabbing your gear and looking towards sasha as you silently get up leaving the underground section silently as you wait outside a decent distance from the area as you begin waiting concealing your presence from normal titans as you listen to the sounds around the outside as you hear the sound of clicking in the distance knowing what it is instantly as you proceed to open your eyes sighing aloud before sprinting at full speed towards them and zigzagging avoiding them aiming easily as you jump behind some thickets and trees silently rushing to them hooking up and around in them as they try to follow you but you aren't giving off anything normal in feeling as you behad one of them as you then go for a faster approach to the ground barely avoiding the bullet as you then use it to start spinning around a tree launching forward without a facial expression grabbing one of them at high speeds and using them as a human shield and without hesitation tossing them into there own side dead having slit their throats as you release your hooks as you proceed to land on the girl who you feel is the shifter based on her eyes trying to follow you with better success as you then proceed to stab her through her back and spine knowing if she is the shifter that will only paryralze her at best as you proceed to then grab her weapon that seems faulty almost as you then start using it without hesitation hitting a couple of targets having not been trained yet with it before smirking as before she gets up after healing you aim it to her and shoot through her spine causing her to scream in pain as it causes them to freeze some as your smirk deepens in a sadistic way as you then grab her by her spine as you feel them looking at you in hororr as you start to rush them while carrying her as you are smiling insanely as you hear some of them whisper under their breath*

Person 1: "The devils know no mercy even on their own kind"

Person 2: "aren't they supposed to be merciful to each other?!?!?!"

*You don't let the third one speak as you bite them by their neck and tear out their jugular as the others start screaming in horror at the way you attacked as you continue onwards having blood around your mouth as the person your dragging is looking at you in horror as you get to another one and kick their head clean off as they can't even react as you continue to smirk as you continue forward on the bloodbath as the person your gripping screams out*


*They start shooting at you as you hold her in front of yourself as the bullets whiz past your body by mere milameters as you keep rushing forward without hesitation as you use her body knowing she is alive as you force your other hand out her gut into the next person's head and crush it as you hear the girl choking on her own blood as you toss her head first into the ground smirking still as you feel a few bullets pierce through you as keep rushing the next person as you let yourself bleed as you let them fear death itself before finally killing the last of her friends with a sickening crack of his neck riddled with bullet hole as you look back at her as she finished healing and is glaring at you as you are still smirking as she aims her gun at you shooting you through your torso missing an organ as you don't have it*

You: "Ah, it seems you missed lass but I won't this time."

*she is looking at you as she turns into a titan thinking she has a chance to get away as she tries to get away but failing as you hook into her and fly into the air before changing into a titan yourself crushing her as you are much larger than her as she looks up in horror at you as your smirking with teeth that seem sharper then she was ready for as You bite her out of her titan as you rip her out as you then hold her in your titan form's hand crushing her as you exit your titan as you walk along its arm to her as she is looking at your fully healed body in horror as you crouch down to her at eye level*

You: "See what I mean I won't miss but I'm sure you are reporting to somewhere don't worry I'll make sure to kill them all as well well if you all attack me and my small group that is but I'm sure you have at least four other friend out their but don't worry I'll kill them all I don't need to eat them either I won't live long enough anyway but you have even less time left alive... I wonder if there are supposed to be nine titans right? What happens If I erase one?"

*Her eyes widen even more trying to escape as you grab her head and proceed to start ripping it off without hesitation successfully doing so as well as you let your titan disintegrate as you grip your chest knowing your time is shorter once again*

You: "If what I read is correct I'm supposed to have 13 years... but what about being completely artificially made into one? Granted that's only if this is stable at that."

*You lean against a tree holding your chest looking into the sky quietly as you slide down against it in more pain silently groaning as it worsens as you realize something*

You: "...Shit its not stable is it and based on the feeling... How long is left to be with Sasha..."

A/N -hmm next chapter Is my decision.


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