Chapter 14: Night After the Meeting

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A/N - My apologies for the delay of the updates been a rough month to say the least but anyway I hope you enjoy.

Sasha's POV

*I am laying down in my room resting as much as possible but recently I keep having a recurring nightmare that I can't make any sense out of as I remember it in some detail*

~Sasha's nightmare~

*I hook into something that is in the sky and staying there and dressed in unfamiliar clothes as well as seeing unfamiliar terrain and suddenly I hear a loud bang something that sounds like an explosion feeling an unknown sort of pain before falling towards the ground with the sight of something bad as the next thing I see is Y/N rushing next to me speaking quickly trying to make some sort of sense that I can understand as things begin to fade to black I see Y/N look into my eyes as the close and I wake up in a cold sweat*

~Nightmare end~

*I look at my hands and feel around my body unsure of some things as I feel nothing out of the ordinary unsure what my nightmare is telling me as I sit up and exit my room and wander around to get my mind off of it as I wander around the nightly halls as I zone out for a bit only zoning back in when I end up in front of Y/N's room that still has its lights on as I put my hand on the handle hesitatingly unsure if I should open the door before I hear Y/N speak*

You "Come in Sasha."

*I open the door sheepishly as I enter the room closing it behind me speaking while only in a pair of pajamas that I threw together*

Sasha "We grew up hunting together and even to this day I've never been able to sneak up on you Y/N."

You "Well you're quite easy for me to notice Sasha. You have a certain presence that I've always been quite good at spotting so tell me what is on your mind."

*I sigh as he gets out of his desk chair and sits on his rooms bed as he pats next to him as I sit next to him before speaking*

Sasha "...I keep having this recurring nightmare... It started fairly recently... in the nightmare we in a big group are away from here in a location that I don't know how to describe with things that seem to be flying that aren't birds and we are in those things when suddenly the sounds of discussion are cut short by the sound of a loud yet small explosion I feel some sort of pain... and I fall down as light seems to be leaving my vision the last thing I see before the light fully leaves is you... Y/N I see you're broken seemingly dead E/C eyes you seem to be crying at that point as your eyes close and I lose vision having already lost my hearing by that point I wake up... that nightmare continues to be constant... and the part that scares me with it is... the look in your eyes is breaking more than they are now... I don't want that to be my future, I want to live... I want to stay with you Y/N..."

*I feel Y/N wrap his arms around me as he gently wipes tears that I didn't notice that were flowing as he whispers in my ears with a feeling of gentleness he rarely displays*

You "I am here now Sasha I won't be leaving you and I most certainly will not be letting that nightmare come true ever all it will be is a nightmare I will keep you safe to the best I can Sasha you are important to me so very important your safety and happiness is at the top of my list of importance so be certain that I will be keeping you safe for as long as I can."

*I begin to relax in Y/N arms as he begins to gently rub my back in a soft rhythm as he lays on the bed holding me as I don't flinch accepting the position as my eyes begin to feel heavy as I try to stay awake for as long as possible as he whispers in my ears once again*

You "Rest Sasha I will still be with you when you wake up I guarantee that without fail."

*I nod softly laying my head against Y/N's chest as I hear his heart beating at a constant rhythm that lures me into a soft sleep*

Your POV

*You continue to hold Sasha close as she begins to softly snore as you hold her close and whispers quiet to myself*

You "...I have to stay alive for you Sasha you don't need to cry from fear or sadness again I will make sure of that."

*You cover yourself and Sasha with the blankets as you look at Sasha's sleeping face that has dried tears on it you begin to think about things*

I have to protect her even if it will end up with her being unable to help in some future missions... but how will I do that and convince her to agree to it?... the only ways she would agree is if I didn't let her find out about the mission... but Eren seems like he would spill that can... she would be more upset than... if possible I wouldn't mind marrying her but even then she isn't the type to do nothing at all... the only other one is if she became pregnant but that is a situation that would require a time of no action as well as for me to survive long enough to do so but as of recent something has felt off... it could be my imagination but I might be weakening... I'm hoping that isn't the case but It's not impossible for that to be the case... Do shifters have a shorter lifespan? If so then when did I actually become one... and how long do I have left... This could be an issue.

A/N - there we are for those who know will know and the one thing I guarantee for this story is that it won't happen for the nightmare that is. Till next time.


Sasha X Broken Male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora