Chapter 10: Hell's Nightmares

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A/N - Now for me to work on this (on the second writing section) as per usual all I own is the story line.

Your POV

*Your looking over some papers filling out some reports you have to do as you rub your eyes having not slept in 3 days straight now as you hear your door open and look over to it and see Sasha*

You "Ah Sasha what brings you here?"

*She says nothing to you going straight face to face with you looking into your eyes as you look back*

You "Uhh yes?"

Sasha "Three days straight no sleep."

You "....Shit"

*You rush to get away but you were too slow as she tackles you to the floor and you know you could win with ease but it would risk hurting her and you want to avoid doing so as much as possible*

You "Ummmm Sasha Please get off me?"

Sasha "Hell no sorry sir but as your childhood friend I can't allow you to not rest another night it is paperwork that can wait till the morning but I swear If you don't sleep so help me I will grab it."

*You go pale as possible at the thought of her grabbing your journal that you wrote in when you first started training sense you acted like such a damn pussy*

You "You wouldn't dare Sasha" *she is already holding it as any color drains from your face as you shake*

You YOU WIN YOU WIN.... Please give it back?"

Sasha "Never I'll never let you live it down."

You "I feared as much" *you groan in defeat and just lay there*

You "I'll sleep just please have mercy Sasha please"

Sasha "Only when you go into bed."

*She gets off you as you drag yourself into bed and cover yourself and start drifting off to sleep from your Exhaustion finally catching you*

Sasha quietly "Good night Y/N..... I love you...." *she leaves your room as you wander in your dream or nightmares alone*

~Your Nightmares from when you were 3~

*You hear the shattering of glass and wake up and quietly go to check it out and see four men one chopping your dad's head off as he was battered and bruised already most likely from them as you see your older brother getting dragged nude and something white dripping out of his but and mouth as he seems dead inside as you hear a bang and them return to your now naked mom being beaten and raped as your eyes go wide with fear and you want to fight but you can't move or speak as they finish as you see your mom look at you in pain and completely disgusted with herself but wanting you to run*


*You shake out of your fear as they hit her hard against her head and it twists her neck the other way breaking it and blood is on the end of the weapon as you run and go through a hole in your big brother's room that you were only told to use if you had to run alone as you pass your place you see your dead big brother as you start crying silently but not for long as you see two more people chasing you and catching up quickly as fear grows in your eyes as you run as fast as you can but get shot in the leg causing you to lose all abilities to run and your momentum forces you face first in the ground as two people you recognize as the ones who raped your mom speak*

Rapist 1 "This there only child left?"

Rapist 2 "No doubt hmm he looks fairly strong for his age"

Rapist 1 "Let's make him into a rat then."

Rapist 2 "First lets make it to where he'll never try running again."

*They smile wickedly as your eyes grow wide as they tear your pajamas off and start raping you next as you pass out from no wanting to suffer more just wishing you will be dead by that point* Unknown person "Wake Up lab Rat number 3645 we have tests to run and your little used ass needs to be awake for it!"

*They splash water on you forcing you to wake up and taste something disgustingly bitter in your mouth and then you get hit in your gt hard and vomit almost immediately semen and blood and some other things you can't recognize comes out*

White Jacketed man "Good now let's get to the testing bring me my scalpels lets see what some organs look like still moving while awake."

*Your eyes widen and you feel stuck to the wall and you shake your head no your voice being too hoarse to speak as they start cutting into you after injecting something into you to make sure you won't bleed way too much as you scream out in absolute agony as they start taking notes on what they are viewing from you as tears are falling from you as they sew you back up and you start going in and out of consciousness as they start getting the next test ready as only one thought is in your head* Why am I alive? Please just kill me....

~Nightmare end~

*You wake up in a cold sweat and tears running down your face and you feel your chest feeling the all too familiar scar that is left there and you feel a tear fall down your face as you hug your knees to your chest* Nothing will change what happened.... But I have to stay strong let nothing show..... And don't show my pain.... I survived alone with it.... A little longer will do..... *You feel arms wrap around you and look to see Sasha who knows you all to well then to fall for your hiding of pain and you let her hug you having no energy to fight it*

Sasha "I'm here Y/N you're not alone anymore... I'm here and not leaving you anytime soon."

*She hugs you tighter as you hug back hesitantly crying softly into her shoulder not wanting to let go*

Sasha's POV

I shouldn't have forced him to sleep.... I can't leave him alone.... He looks so scared... alone... broken.... Empty.... Hurt..... He doesn't deserve this pain at all, but he suffered it so badly that even now he remembers it so vividly.... And he feels it still he needs to be freed from it but how can I free him from his pain? He's so important to me and I love him, but he must feel so so alone... what do I do to help him?

A/N - and done hope you all enjoy *looks back at it* My mind is fucked up oh well.


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