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TW: strong language. Infidelity. Yandere behavior, violence, mention of torture and death.

Procede with caution.


- Hello, love. It's been awhile. - he says rubbing the back of his neck.

- Yeah... It has... - I say with a quiet and sad tone.

- I missed you. - he says with a small smile, making me look at him nostalgically.

- ________, who's this? - Will asks, definitely not happy.

- I'm Nathaniel. - he answers.

- And who are you? - Will asks again, not referring to his name.

- I'm ________'s boyfriend. - he answers a bit too proudly.

- Ex. - I correct him.

- ________... - Nathaniel says in a sad tone, trying to convince me that he still is my boyfriend. He gets closer to me but Will quickly runs and steps between us.

- Woah, man. Stay away from ________. - Will says, noticing how uncomfortable I was.

- ________! - Nathaniel calls for me, obviously wanting me to intervene.

- You're not my boyfriend. - I say, slightly mad. - Not anymore.

- Come on, ________. - he insists.

- You disappeared! - I shout.

Robin places a hand on my shoulder, calming me down. I sigh before continuing.

- You suddenly left, without saying anything. No letters, no goodbyes, no explanations... - I stop myself from letting tears fall. An uncomfortable silence comes right after, at least until a frustrated shout echoes through the cafe.

- He did WHAT?! - Alice asks, obviously furious. She madly steps closer to him, point a finger right on his face - Nathaniel, why was I not knowing this?!

- I'm sorry, Alice. I knew ________ didn't tell you about this so I stayed quiet. If I told you, you wouldn't bring me here! - he defends himself.

- Leave. - Alice says.

Nathaniel sighs and leaves the cafe, well, not after turning back and looking at me with sad eyes, which remembered me of everything we did together. My cousin turns to me and hugs me tightly.

- Oh, _______... I'm so so sorry... - she says, truly regretful.

- It's okay... I was the one who kept it a secret from you... - I sigh.

- Is that asshole going to come back? - Robin asks, worried.

- Knowing him... He wouldn't give up so soon. - I say, massaging my temples.

- You're right... He's not the type that changes his mind so quickly. - Alice adds.

- Well, if he appears here again I'll punch him! - Will says with a proud smile, obviously trying to cheer me up.

- Thank you, Will... - I say, with a sad smile. - Let's go home...

He nods. We then leave the cafe, waving at Robin, Alice and Emma. My sweet cousin had decided to stay there a bit more after a certain girl calling her attention. Emma also seemed to be acting a bit weird close to Alice so I think it'll be good for them to know each other. After finally getting to my house and entering it, I prepared us lunch. Will helped me and managed to cheer me up a bit with his dumb attitudes and jokes. We then sat at the table and started eating, in silence. It was nice and comfortable, until the doorbell ring. I had a feeling about who it was, but I was hoping I was wrong.

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