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957 47 61

TW: strong language, mention of injures and death.


- THEY ARE WHAT?! - Will shouted, surprised.

- Alive! Robin is alive! - I said, tears running down my cheeks.

- Oh my god... - Will said, putting a hand on his forehead. He seemed surprised and almost... Frustrated?

- Aren't you happy...? - I asked.

- What? - he said, looking at me, confused. - No no. I'm happy.

- Then what is this face? - I asked.

- What face? - he fainted smiled.

- The frustrated face. - I said.

- I'm just frustrated they didn't call earlier... You suffered so much. - he said, hugging me. - I'm glad everything will be fine now.

- I'm also really glad... - I said, hugging him back. I stepped back and looked at him. - Let's go to the hospital.


We rushed to the hospital and as soon as we got there, I desperately begged the receptionists to tell me in which room Robin was.

- 120... 120... 120! - I pointed to the room.

We run and stop at the room's door. I looked through the little window on the door and noticed a doctor inside. I softly knocked on the door and after the doctor turning around to look at us, he let us in.

- Hello, I'm ________. I'm Robin's friend. I received a call from the hospital and came as soon as possible. - I explained.

- Very well. I told the nurse to check who was the last person our patient called so we could give the fortunate news. - he explained. - I'm doctor Paul Hopkins.

I shook his hand and smiled apologetically.

- And who is this gentleman with you? - he asked, looking at Will.

- I am Will... Uhm... Will Holland! - he said, a bit nervous.

- Very nice to meet both of you. - the doctor said. - Now that we're past introductions, I'll update both of you about our patient's state.

- Yes, please! Is Robin okay? - I asked, worried.

- They're going to be. - he said, apologetically. - There are some concerning fractures, and they have some contusions as well. But they'll be better soon, that I can assure you.

- I'm really really glad. - I sighed in relief.

- Why did you take so long to call us though? - Will asked, in which I elbowed him in the stomach to call his attention for being so rude to the doctor. Paul, thankfully, only laughed at my reaction and seemed to not mind Will's lack of respect.

- Well, we weren't sure yet if Robin would make it. They were in a critical state and we didn't have any way of telling if they would survive. Thankfully, we're on the best case scenario. - he said, smiling.

- Thank you so much for your hard work, Doctor Paul. - I thanked him, relieved.

- Let's talk about Robin's condition outside. They can wake up at any moment and I wouldn't want them to be concerned already. - Doctor Hopkins said, leading the way to the door.

- Alright. No problem. - I said, following the doctor. I looked back and saw Will simply staring at Robin's peaceful, but hurt, body. - Are you going to stay here?

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