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    Alyssa was numb; the result of being chained to the dungeon floor, this time, without the luxury of movement. Once they discovered her abilities, they had gone to extreme measures to guarantee she would have no access to her limbs for performing magic; and though she could use her powers with pure focus alone, even the slight rotation of her wrist allowed her to use it more effectively. Her cruel thoughts reminded her how close she had come but failed a second time. It had been the same man who had witnessed her capture that dove to save the king from the falling chandelier.  He single-handedly prevented Alyssa from finishing her task, though seconds away from success, he ensured her failure. Alyssa stared at the bars and wondered what she had become. She kept trying to think of ways out of this, but no idea seemed plausible. The corset under her blue dress that once complimented her curves was now cutting off her circulation. Her hair that had been beautifully braided was now matted with mud and tangled horrifically. But those things she barely noticed; instead her mind was on her younger brother. He was still in Rayland, defenseless during this war. She remembered him the way she had last seen him, a child, staring out onto the world with bright eyes ready to claim it. His eyes were emerald, matching hers. The fear that he may never get to live out those dreams because of her failure, made her uncomfortable state that much worse. Alyssa's pulled her knees up and curled into a ball. Her brother was the heart of all she fought for, and if he someday died on a battlefield because of her, her soul would die with him.
    "Why did you call me a liar?" A familiar voice questioned her.
    Alyssa lifted her head to see the king standing there, his eyes were curious and maybe even hopeful. Alyssa grimaced—he was the last person she wanted to see. "You can try to manipulate me to join you and your army," She stated, voice void of emotion, "but I will not be persuaded to turn against my own people."
    "You don't understand," Adrien said, taking a slow step closer to the cell, "We are not attacking your people. It is the other way around. Your king is cruel and malicious. If what you said during dinner is what you believe, if you think you are fighting to protect your kingdom from us, then he has been lying to you, and using you. Daniel will do anything to get what he wants, even if it means making a young girl with incredible abilities a weapon."
    "How do you expect me to believe you?' Alyssa's words were bitter, "You may very well be the one lying. You are the enemy, is it not more likely for you to be the manipulator? Explain to me why you should be trusted over my own king."
    "The situation explains itself. Effulgence is a kingdom of peace, where Rayland has always been at war. Your kingdom is both large and powerful, and Daniel wants it to be more so. The reality is, we would not risk Effulgence by attacking Rayland; not when we can barely defend ourselves. Taking out your king is our best option, and you, his assassin, are valuable. Not only are you close enough to your king that you understand the way he works, but you lived with him, and must know the Rayland castle well," Adrien's eyes lit up, "I know you feel like you're turning against your kingdom and people, but we would not hurt them. It is Daniel who is harming them—risking lives, and resources your people use for this meaningless war! Hundreds of people in both of our armies are dying daily.  We could end all of this. Your king has been betraying you from the beginning, so I am giving you another chance, and asking you to believe me and assist us."
"Conversing with your enemy?" Alyssa asked with condemning eyes.
Adrien stared back at her, "You don't have to be the enemy," when she didn't respond, Adrien slid his arms behind his back and folded his hands, "Your king is taking advantage of you. And I can see it in your eyes; you are questioning me, but also yourself. You are no longer sure what the truth is, or maybe you already know it as well as I do. How long will you allow him to take advantage of you, Alyssa?"
    Alyssa scowled at him, and claimed he was lying again. Adrien persisted Daniel was manipulative, reminding her more ways the story she believed did not add up.
    Alyssa opened her mouth to shout a retort at him, but found herself instead considering his words. She recalled the moments with her king before he had sent her off.  Daniel had been sitting in a small room, and gazing at his chessboard. His eyes were locked down on it in concentration, deciding what move to make first. He had treated her as if she was not there one minute, and then all that mattered the next. She was Daniel's trophy, but kept hidden to keep her magic secret. Alyssa thought of the dark room Daniel spent his time in, and it occurred to her he likely kept millions of secretes. The memory of Daniel assigning her to assassinate King Adrien made her blood cold.
She had entered to find Daniel examining a bishop. He did not glance at her as he spoke. "How is everything, Alyssa, any news?"
    "No," She had responded matter-of-factly, "we are still ahead in the war and just won another battle. Some of the troupe's men were given three days leave to visit their loved ones and will return Wednesday."
    "I hate when they come home. The less men we have fighting, the longer this war will drag on." Daniel muttered, leaning back in his chair, "Luckily, I have a solution, and it involves you getting a new kind of job—where you could use your full ability."
    "What would I do?"
The king grinned—though there was no joy in it, "I need you to become my assassin, and kill the king of Effulgence."   
    "I've never killed anyone," Alyssa began slowly, though she knew there was no refusing Daniel, "I do not qualify for this." Alyssa had told him. 
    "You have magic, a powerful weapon that can never be taken from you! What better qualifies you than that? Of course, it will take planning, but try not to think of this as an attack. By killing king Adrien, you are defending Rayland—protecting everyone who lives here, including your family, and your king. As we speak people are losing their lives. You could end this, and save our people."
    That last line haunted Alyssa, replaying in her mind like a broken record. But she could not ignore Adrien's words. They had brought a wave of memories and put them together like puzzle pieces. Daniel would relate chess to lives, and when it came to the war impatience always overrode concern. When Alyssa really took the time to consider Adrien's words, she realized Daniel's eyes were never honest—it added up. Alyssa had felt uneasy around Daniel, and assumed it was because he was a king, but after talking with Adrien she discovered that was not the case. It had been because she had always known, though her desire to trust him suppressed it, that everything he said was a lie. Adrien could have tortured her just as easily as reasoning, but he did not. He had given her a second chance, and now he was giving her a third. Was it her magic that made Adrien try so hard to have her on his side, or was he was telling the truth?   
    "If I said I believe you, what would you want from me?"
    "Information and perhaps assistance."
    "And if Effulgence wins? Would Rayland be taken captive?"
    "No, as I've said before, all I would want is someone good and wise on the Rayland throne that cares about their people more than power."   
    Alyssa stared at him a while before finding her voice. "How do I know I can trust you?"
    "I suppose you have no way of proving what I say is true. But you know your king as well as I."
    "Can you promise my family will be safe?"
    "If you are asking if I will harm them, or anyone in Rayland, my answer is no."
    Alyssa took a moment to ponder this, and then said, "Fine. I will trust you, but if you want my help, I ask that you do not leave me here chained up."
"No, you will be given a room, but your door will be guarded—if you agree to comply," Alyssa nodded. "Then trust you have given will be returned. I will have you released—there will be no chances after this one."
    When Adrien left, his guards went with, leaving Alyssa alone again. It was foolish, Alyssa thought, for him to release someone who had tried to kill him twice; but she knew he was left with few options, if he really was losing the war to Rayland. If anything, his desperation was the final confirmation that he was telling the truth. He took the time to reason with her, and now was giving her a place to stay in the castle and a second chance . . . well, that was something Daniel never would have done. Adrien seemed impulsive at worst, but he was good.

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