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    Ash scanned the piles of work papers in front of him, and ignored Cerberus as he talked. He had no interest in whatever the boy was saying, young cult leaders were always so paranoid, and that made them obnoxious. And despite all the other business Ash had to attend to, Cerberus insisted that he hear him out. Reluctantly he had agreed, still without the intent of paying even the slightest bit of attention.
    Cerberus must have finally noticed, because about half way through his blabbering, he stopped, narrowing his eyes in Ash's direction, "You haven't heard a word I said, have you?"    
       Ash sighed, glancing up at Cerberus and then returning to his work. He had much bigger problems to worry about than Cerberus's petty whining. His focus was only on his plan to switch territories, and he would need to begin moving Akuma as soon as possible. All that was left to do was get this claim filed. If he failed to claim it, there would be nothing stopping Yami from coming in and ripping his people and their valuables to shreds. Those were the rules, in order for an area to be yours and free from invaders, it must be claimed. Otherwise the light cults wouldn't step in, and Yami, the only other dark cult, hated Akuma as much as Akuma hated them, and would go through hell to ensure Ash and his cult lived in misery. Just a few years ago, Ash had been trying to claim a territory with an incredible waterfall that at the time he'd figuredYami must have had its eyes on, and the two cults almost went to war over it. However Ash, having some sense, decided it wasn't worth it and dropped the claim completely. Not long after, Yami had decided they didn't want it either. They had wanted it only for the purpose of ensuring Akuma couldn't have it, just for a reason to fight. Ash hadn't tried to claim that territory since. He knew that Yami would always be there, fists up, to ensure Akuma never got what it wanted.
    The last time Akuma had had a falling out withYami, it ended in such a way that Ash vowed as long as he was one of Akuma's three, they would never go toe to toe with them again. Ever since their claws had dug into his sister and taken her away from him, no territory was worth it. That was why he hoped he could claim this one in secret, without Yami noticing. He'd wanted to switch territories for years, and finally it looked as if he was going to be able to. As long as Yami didn't get involved. Yami wasn't stronger; Ash's cult also had the power of dark magic. But war weakened both sides, and he simply didn't want to risk weakening his cult over unnecessary discord. He was proud of his cult's dark magic and strength, although he was less proud to have someone like Cerberus leading it by his side. For some reason only god knows why he was chosen. And now Ash was stuck, hearing him go on and on and on.
    "Listen to me," Cerberus insisted, frustration seeping into his voice, "there is a man outside who has business with you. I don't know who he is, but he claims to be a member of our cult from long ago. He's refused to leave, so just, go see what he wants!"
    Ash sighed once more, lifting his head to look at Cerberus; and, realizing the boy wouldn't shut up until he'd figured out whatever it was this stranger wanted, got up and left the tent. For all the years Ash had been a part of Akuma's three, never had he despised his job so much as when Cerberus had become his partner. Ash wasn't considered old yet, he was in his early thirties, and his face was still full of youth. He was handsome too, which would last a bit longer. His hair and eyes had always been as black as the night, or the ashes remaining from something that'd burned. That fit him well, Ash thought, because that's exactly what he did; burn.When you were born with dark magic, and hair, and eyes, you were a curse to those around you, without ever having to try. But Ash never minded, he felt it fit him well, and knew already that when the day came to leave the world behind, he would leave the world in cinders. Cerberus's soul wasn't quite dark yet, but rather confused. He was what made Ash feel older than his years. With his boyish ignorance that kept him from really understanding what it meant to lead a dark cult. Though Ash knew with time that would change.
    He didn't need to walk far before his eyes landed on the stranger. His face was definitely familiar, and actually, if Ash remembered correctly it was the same one who had come to him a good number of years ago. He was impossible to forget, being the nephew of the former King of Rayland. He had disappeared a few days after he had joined the cult. It was suspicious, as was his returning, however the man watched Ash as if he had finally found a lost treasure. The cult leader got a feeling there was more to the story than him merely abandoning Akuma. He had aged a little, but there was no denying the shape of his face, which had closely resembled his uncles, as well as his cousin's, Daniel, the current King of Rayland. Ash had disliked him from the moment the man had first approached him. Not only because he was a royal, but because he had come to Ash emotional at the time, so angry and broken inside.    Ash had accepted him anyway, simply because his magic and its strength was something he refused to turn away. Now, the man appeared different. While he still looked grateful at seeing Ash, that part of him that had been broken no longer existed, and with that the cult leader was rather impressed. So, he really had grown up.

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