Ch. 17

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 Daniel slouched in his chair early in the morning and stared out the window into the dark sky. It wasn't often he spent much time in his bedroom, even if him and Angelica still did have separate rooms; usually he spent his nights and days in the room with the mirror. However, the last time he'd talked to his reflection, the man in the mirror had made it clear to him that he wasn't getting any more information. He couldn't seek out answers anymore, at least not for a while. He was on his own. Somehow he would have to find away to kill his queen, before she had her way and killed him.

That was his top priority, but other problems filled his mind as well. After the mirror had told him of Alyssa swapping sides, he'd also been thinking on what to do next. His weapon had been taken from him, but did Adrien know how to properly use it? Was he aware of her full potential? All that she could do? Would he use her against Rayland and what would that mean? Surely one girl couldn't possibly take out an entire Kingdom. From what the King of Rayland had seen Alyssa hadn't fully developed her power anyway. But what if she did? He wouldn't let it get to the point. The moment the guards dragged her back to him he would kill her without hesitation before she could lift a hand.

The difference between Alyssa and Angelica, Daniel thought, was that Angelica would not hesitate either. Alyssa, even if she betrayed him, was still loyal to him at one point, and might have trouble killing him but Angelica would end him so quickly he wouldn't see it coming. He also had nothing to hold against Angelica, nothing he could rip away from her and make her back down. With Alyssa, there was Calvin, her brother. She loved him and was more protective of him than she was even her own life, cared about his safety even more than justice and her morals. If all else failed, a knife to his throat would bring his old assassin to her knees. Maybe he should get the boy now, and have him waiting in the dungeons for when Alyssa arrived.

Angelica peeked into the room with the reflection, he was smirking at her, and scanned the area to make sure it was clear before walking in. "Where's Daniel?" It was overly odd he wasn't there. Usually he never left.

"Oh you know, taking a stroll, breathing in the fresh morning air, making conversation with some of the peasants."

"Your sarcasm is unwarranted," the queen said narrowing her eyes, "It's just odd. I didn't think he was capable of leaving this room."

The mirror smirked teasingly, "Neither did I. His absence must mean my words finally got through to him. He knows I won't give him all the answers and that he has to figure out things for himself."

"It only makes me wonder what kinds of plans he conjuring up."

"He most certainly plans on destroying you if that's what you mean. That's probably his top priority along with what to do about his traitor."

"Oh, you mean Alyssa," Angelica muttered thoughtfully, "Well, whatever he's planning to do about her as long as it keeps the focus off me that's what's important." The reflection's eyes had a fire in them, and the queen said nothing more before leaving the room.

Calvin tipped his mug up, getting his last drop of black coffee that kept him awake through the mornings, before heading out the door. The sun had not yet risen and the darkness was grim and dreary. However he knew that if he wasn't on time he would be getting an earful from Darryl. He had gotten near to no sleep the night before and was fighting exhaustion as he walked, the caffeine his only weapon. Just as he passed the main street, he saw a figure move along the back alley, and didn't flinch when Calvin looked in its direction. Instead it stood, watching and observing his every move. Calvin froze. The streets were empty; he was alone with whatever was lurking in the shadows. Calvin's mind raced with what options he had, and narrowed it down to four simple choices. He could move towards the figure, run away back home and forget about seeing Darryl, or just stay put where he was, standing there for who knew how long. He could also go on his way and avoid whatever it was, but what if it followed him? What would he do then? Before he could make a decision the figure emerged from the alleyway, heading in Calvin's direction. He could hear the sound its shoes with every step it made and every puddle his feet hit. It was only when the figure approached him he could make out who it was.

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