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Analia's gaze was caught in the darkness as she stared out, gripping the entryway of her tent. Aira had been right when she'd said something was coming, Analia could feel a wave of negative energy slapping her in the face. She could taste the calamity in the cold air as it blew in through the opening. A drop of cool water hit her nose, and then another. Only moments had passed before the clouded skies started pouring down heavy rain, and the thunder began rumbling. Still, while it drenched her head to toe, she didn't flinch. Her feet stayed planted and her eyes locked; even as the storm progressed.

Aaron got up, making his way over to where she stood and frowned, then silently cursed himself afterwards for not being able to keep the worry from his eyes. As much as he pretended not to care, moments like this destroyed everything he'd worked to hide. Maybe it was Analia's expression that made panic come about, or maybe it was he sensed the exact same thing she did. There was something very wrong; the magic in the air was thick. It began as such to warn of what was coming. Or maybe it had already come. Aaron found himself tapping his fingers on his pant leg, and with one more look at Analia, knew he was going to find a way to get her to come back inside. Not when she looked as if she was watching something be ripped apart. Just as Aaron had conjured up enough courage to open his mouth and stay something, Analia narrowed her eyes, peering at a figure coming at them from the distance.

As she came into better view, Aaron could make out her long white dress, perhaps made out of silk, blowing in the wind. She continued to get closer until she was only a few feet away, and Aaron could make out her face. It was pale, beautiful, and her light blond hair was so long it fell to her hips even as it was tied back. Around her waist hung a caramel colored belt with a stone clipped to it. It was odd, Aaron thought to himself, but Analia didn't seem to mind because she smiled as she met the girl's eyes. Although Aaron was suspicious, he kept his mouth shut, even as the girl looked at him, her eyes amused. She could see his uneasiness as if he was dripping with it. Aaron pushed away the scowl that was creeping its way onto his face, and glanced back over at Analia as she said, "Would you like to come inside?"

The girl looked relieved to finally have an invitation to get out of the rain as she nodded and stepped inside.Aaron watched in utter disgust as the rain water dripped from the girls and onto the carpeted floor.

"I've been on a long journey to find you," the stranger began. At examining her closer, Aaron saw her eyes were slit like a cat's, a light pure blue with large pupils that widened as she talked. "I'm a messenger that's been sent from the Heiwa cult. Our cult, as you already know, is the cult of peace, and so I have come to warn you about one of the dark cults. It's horrible, they are massively killing the citizens of Rayland, they're dying; hundreds, thousands, by the minute. Though it is not a magic cult's job to protect a kingdom, it is our job to make sure the dark cults stay in check. And considering the large amount of people being wiped out in such a small amount of time is beyond reason, and certainly not in check. They have no reasons, at least ones that we know of, for why they are doing this, but I'm afraid it's just another bloodbath. So our cult has come to ask for your assistance in taking out the Akuma cult before another dark cult starts up again on causing so many meaningless deaths."

Before Analia could respond, Aaron cut in, scowling, "Certainly not, we're not going to put our cult at risk by going up against a dark cult. We're not entirely sure what they're reasoning is—we don't know it's just for blood. It is Rayland after all. I think we can all agree, if any Kingdom is worth losing lives of cult members over, it's not that one. All Rayland does is take out Kingdoms, perhaps it'd be better they are taken out before that continues. I say we trust Akuma knows their boundaries and what they are doing and leave it be. For both the sake of our cults."

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