Ch. 23

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It took some focus, as usual, but then Calvin was lifting droplets from the stream and molding them into shapes. First a square, then a triangle, and then even a star; an excited grin spread across Calvin's face as he turned to look at Darryl. Darryl's reaction wasn't what he was hoping for, only a slight nod of the head. Calvin's heart dropped; raising the droplets of water was difficult enough, and he had gone above and beyond. Well, as above and beyond as he was going to get for now. When it was clear it would be no use trying to get any praise, Calvin focused his attention back on the stream as he pondered what approach he was going to take next. Maybe he would need to move more than just one droplet at a time. Lifting his hand, this time two droplets rose and blended together, and then with his other hand he raised another and another while not letting his concentration down in order to keep them all levitating. He had just gotten to ten droplets when he saw a slight smile tugging on Darryl's lips before he nodded for Calvin to drop them. He did so gleefully.

"Not bad," Darryl said, taking a step toward Calvin, "Still, this is child's play. You are one of the three, magic is very important for your position. I'm not blaming you by any means; you were not raised aware of your magic. We just have a long way to go, and you're a little behind the average learner." Calvin frowned, shifting his eyes away from Darryl and back to the stream. He wished he knew what was wrong with him. If he was one of the three, didn't that mean he should be learning faster and with more ease than the average cult member? Calvin was troubled, what if Darryl had made a mistake? Calvin might be magic, but was he really a leader? Would a leader be so . . . bad? A month ago, magic didn't exist, and now it was in the palm of his hand. Calvin was fascinated with it, but like Darryl said, to him and the rest of the cult Calvin's tricks were child play.He couldn't protect his people by raising droplets of water. Darryl smiled with hope every time Calvin improved, but what if it was just to hide a growing fear? A fear that when the time for defense came, Calvin couldn't provide it. Calvin shook those thoughts away; Aigua had done fine for years without Calvin. It wasn't going to fall apart just because he had come back. Still, he felt so useless.

Darryl must have read his thoughts because he said, "You're not too far behind, Calvin,and anyone learning magic late would struggle. It's common for some people to not learn as fast as others. It just means we'll have to practice more. You'll have to put your best efforts in."

Calvin nodded, "I've got this."

Calvin's eyes had only rested on the water for a moment before he swiftly lifted his hand bringing a large wave with it. Darryl, who was standing under the wave, quickly raised his hand and deflected it, sending it back in Calvin's direction so instead he was hit with the icy splash as it came down. Calvin was frozen and unable to move. Where did all that water come from? Uneasily the young cult leader made his way over to Darryl's side, who with his hand was gently calming the stream. But the stream was hardly the only thing Calvin had put into action. The wind had begun to pick up and was rustling the tree branches above Calvin's head. The skies had clouded and grown dark. Had he really caused all of this? How on earth?

Calvin's thoughts were interrupted by Darryl, waving for the cult leader to get behind him. Had he really gotten them in all this trouble when a moment ago he couldn't lift a raindrop? Darryl's eyes narrowed as he began to move his right hand, and began drawing some symbols in the air Calvin didn't recognize with his pointer finger. Slowly, the rest of the world grew as quiet as the stream, but it had begun to rain. Darryl waved Calvin to follow him as he went under a nearby tree for shelter.

They had spent a while under that tree in silence, the only noise occupying the area being the dripping of the spring rain. Well, if it even was truly spring rain. Calvin glanced around as it fell and realize; it was his rain. All of this was his. And it was terrible. He tried to ignore the cold, but his teeth chattered anyway as an icy breeze blew over him, and hugging his arms he leaned against a tree.

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