Ch. 22

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After making his way into the den of the castle Daniel plopped onto the couch and stretched out his legs. He hoped the man in the mirror was fully entertained for the meanwhile. If he wasn't, Daniel was convinced he never would be. Either way, it would remain a mystery. Daniel had made it his goal to avoid the room with the mirror by whatever means possible. So he decided this would be where he would stay for now on. It was much more relaxing, and Daniel rather liked the way the mirror's snarky comments were replaced by the crackling fire blazing in the wood stove across from him. Though, there was a twinge of sadness too. What if he ever did get trapped in the mirror? Would he miss this world? Miss being himself? It only lasted for a moment though, and was quickly replaced by curiosity. Would being locked in the mirror make him a small space that would make him claustrophobic, or was there more to the mirror than what the eye could see? What about some other world behind the glass? Maybe he'd even like it better, but that didn't matter, because he couldn't rule there. His crown was everything. It was and had always been the only thing of importance. To him, as well as his father. Losing it would mean losing everything. So he would keep the man in the mirror entertained no matter the cost.

Daniel shook away the thoughts. He came here to relax, so that meant taking his mind off the mirror for once. Instead, the young King glanced around. It had been some time since he'd last been in this room. Daniel recalled that when he was a child, he'd come in here frequently to read. A slight smile tugged at his lips as he remembered his ten year old self running about with a stack of books in his hands. They were fantasy, and brought him to a world so unrealistic that he couldn't help falling in love. So very human of him, he supposed, to love all the things he couldn't have. He heard of an imaginary gift called magic and loved it for everything it wasn't and everything it could be if it only existed. Now he knew it did exist, and wanted nothing more than to get back the very person with magic flowing in her veins and rip her apart body and soul. It didn't make sense, but it was nearly impossible to make sense out of this world.

The fire warmed the room and its scent filled the air. The young King had just begun to doze off when a voice awoke him.

"I didn't know you ever came in here," Daniel eyes flew open and darted over to where his wife stood in the doorway. She looked different, Daniel couldn't tell what, but he was sure it had to do something with her obnoxious smirk being absent for once. Her eyes were drained too. Maybe it had something to do with her brother showing up, but Daniel didn't ask, it didn't matter at this point anyway.

"I wanted to come in here, it's my castle. Always has been, but it hasn't always been yours." Daniel responded, more tired than anything. Angelica said nothing, but instead walked over and sat in a chair beside the couch watching the fire. Daniel had never known her to be so quiet and on edge. It was enough to make him laugh, and yet the sound didn't reach him.

After a few more moments of sweet silence, Angelica finally spoke up. "I could've told you kidnapping and torturing that kid wasn't some bright idea."

The young king scowled as he turned to face her, "Well I didn't see you offering up any suggestions on how we were going to make Alyssa do what we say."

Angelica rolled her eyes, "You're a fool for losing him then. Couldn't you have done anything to stop them?"

"Well I wasn't exactly planning on a magic cult rescue mission. Though I have a feeling you may have."

Angelica shrugged, "Darryl warned me he'd have to take matters into his own hands if I didn't hand the boy over. But it's not like that made any difference. I didn't know where you were or what you were planning to do with the boy, and frankly didn't care. I just stepped aside and left it to you all to fight it out. None of it mattered to me."

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