Ch. 20

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 Lifting his head was impossible. After what felt like hours of pain trailing through his body, the screams stopped coming, and his mind stopped fighting. Then there was acceptance. His body was limp, and his mind was empty. Acceptance. Pain was all there was, and it pounded in Calvin's ears. At first, he cried out, and begged, and fought. Until his words had started to dissipate the moment they left his mouth. He found himself just moving his lips, and the room went void of sound. Silence. That was the worst part of the pain. It went beyond the pain, furthering deeper emotions of sorrow, fear, and hopelessness. The King's movements had become robotic, as if his mind was somewhere else. Slashing, again and again. Sometimes, a jab of a knife, but not too deep as to put him out of his misery. The King wanted all of it to linger. Again and again almost in rhythm, and Calvin hated the song, but it kept on playing.

It stopped only for a moment, so the King could say "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Calvin. I didn't want to damage you quite this badly. But the entertainers must entertain, and because of your sister, you are the perfect victim." Then there was the burn; he heard it sizzle when the simmering metal met his skin. "I'll admit, you're holding up longer than I thought you would," Calvin said nothing. "I'm afraid that means we take things up a notch."

He wouldn't snap; that's what Calvin promised himself. No matter how hard the King pushed him; he would be a limp and lifeless plaything if that's what he must, but he'd keep himself together, even if no one was there to witness it. How long would this last? Forever? Hidden in the deepest part of the dungeon away from reality with a blindfold over his eyes painting the world black. Alone in utter darkness. The next thing he knew there was water running over his burns, relieving him only for a moment before his arms were doused in salt. Calvin had lost the ability to so much as wince, and though he couldn't see his face, he knew the King was smiling. Then suddenly, jolted with a vision, he saw the king's smile clearer in his mind. This time, hands were lifting up the edges of his lips. His magic had whispered, and Calvin understood. The king was as trapped and hopeless as he was.

Daniel frowned as he examined Calvin, had he finally passed out? He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up. The reflection had better be grinning, had better be overwhelmed with glee, after the strenuous effort Daniel had put in to keep him entertained. The kid was strong. If he had been anyone but Alyssa's brother, Daniel would have added him to the guard. But instead he would be an unfortunate human shield to amuse the reflection. At least until Daniel could devise a plan. He didn't have the time to keep the reflection entertained; he had a Kingdom to run. If the man in the mirror cared nothing of Daniel's success, then he needed to be disposed of.

But all he could do in the meantime is keep the mirror happy. No matter how far he had to go. Mayb even removing a hand or a foot. Daniel had ordered many times before for people to be tortured, but he'd never actually done it himself, or even stayed to watch. He never enjoyed it, and had always had more important things to focus on. But now that had changed. It was up to him to torture this boy himself, because his own existence was on the line. It had gone beyond Alyssa. Still, at least this could be put to some good. One look at her brother, and she would become Daniel's again. It'd go right back to the way things were.

"If you are smart, you'll back away from the boy." Before Daniel could turn around and see who it was that had spoken, his wrists had been restrained. The young King's eyes nervously flickered up to meet the stranger's, and then to the group standing behind him. Daniel paled. How did they find their way down here? What was going on?

In quick, fiery retort Daniel growled, "Do you wish to be killed? Or end up in the same condition as this boy? That's what happens to someone stupid enough to put their hands on the King of Rayland."

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