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    Days passed. Then weeks. Mid July was just around the corner. The rainy days had come to an end, and the Effulgence moon that'd spent months hidden behind clouds had finally regained its rightful place in the sky, and had gone back to blessing the Kingdom with its light. But the young King's face remained grim. He'd spent so much time pacing the floor that he'd learned to lighten his steps to keep them from being heard and worrying Alain or Brutus. He'd forgotten what it was like to look at his hands and not see the white knuckles that'd come from how tightly he clenched them. During the night he would dream of his people's slaughter, and during the day he could only imagine the most horrific and slow deaths, and the sickening numbers of Effulgence citizens who it affected. Still, for a reason he couldn't comprehend, he refused to surrender. Even when failure continued to slap him in the face with every lost battle, he couldn't give it up. He couldn't let go of Effulgence. His father had left the Kingdom Adrien loved so much in his hands to protect, and even as it slipped away the young King kept clinging. Though he knew, along with everyone else, Effulgence's time was limited. Alain over the last weeks had stopped giving advice and suggestions and had begun to simply nod and take orders. Their only conversations had been a few commands, and a few more looks of regret. And while Adrien was relieved to have ended the bickering here and there about what was wise, he missed the part of Alain that was his friend. 
    But it wasn't something Adrien couldn't dwell on, even if he'd wanted to, it was hard for him to focus on anything but the war. Even though he and Alain had grown up together like brothers ever since his father had taken him in as a child to live at the castle. There had been an inseparable bond between the two boys since that day, or so it'd seemed until now. But that was a part of war, Adrien supposed, it separated people. It separated the Kingdoms fighting, and families who watched their loved ones leave and not come back, and who knew, that it could even take away the people in the room across from yours'. It also separated people from their lives. It took away the simple day by day pieces of happiness. Things like falling in love, taking a walk with a friend, or even just looking up at the moon, the things that give you those little bursts of joy, drowned out by another death and the question of what you'll lose and won't get back.And the worst thing of all, the young King had finally figured out, were the things you couldn't change no matter how much you wished you could. At one point he would have ran onto the battlefield with the hope and dream of saving even one person. It had been Alain who had talked sense into him. There was a line between reckless attempts and passionate bravery. There was a line between trying to reach an impossible mark and perseverance. They were at war with Rayland; Adrien's Kingdom was already gone. Peace had solved nothing, and violence wasn't enough. He was going to lose the war, and yet, he just couldn't surrender. His people were going to pay for his selfish stubbornness.
    The young King turned at the knock on his door to see Alain peeking in, his expression far different than the one he'd seen for the last few weeks. The darkness in his eyes was lifted, and replaced by something lighter. The young King raised an eyebrow and motioned for his advisor to come in. Alain obeyed with a slight smile and it took all of Adrien's effort to keep from returning the look with a scowl. What right did he have to look that way? What reason did Alain have to smile?
    "What is it?"Adrien's voice was cold as he tapped his fingers on the desk.
    "Nothing much, really, it's just . . . Analia stopped by for a visit. She said she needed to talk to you about something. I'm not sure what she wants, but I think it would be healthy for you to leave this dark room for a while. It's ridiculous that you've locked yourself in here for so long, and completely covered the glass walls to keep out the sun and moon. I know you are upset, as we all are, but why take your sadness and worsen it? Block out anything that could lighten it? Analia may just be able to say something of hope. And hell, Adrien, you need some hope." The young King rolled his eyes, but deep inside his heart felt a tiny leap. Maybe it was the news that the leader of Antinanco had returned, or maybe it was simply Alain's words. Telling him what to do, pushing his limits, giving him that stupid advice he never wanted to hear. Yes, that made him smile inside. Still, now wasn't the time for good feelings. And there was no point in having hope if it was only going to be snatched away.
    "What would I want with that woman? When Effulgence lost our assassin, she up and left; not another word of advice or lending hand. What could she possibly want now?"
    "I don't know," Alain said, "But I suggest you go find out."
    The young King scowled for a minute, but then with a sigh, headed out to the main lobby where she was waiting, despite her being the last person in the world he wanted to speak with. She's called herself just. Her cult just. Did they find it just to allow a Kingdom like Effulgence to be wiped off the map by a King whose greed blinded him of everything, and kept him from even being honest with his own people, his own assassin! Analia was beginning to disgust Adrien almost as much as Daniel did.
    The young king narrowed his eyes as he approached the couch where she sat,"What do you want? You've already left our Kingdom to be destroyed. You abandoned us . . ."
    "As I told you I would," Analia responded, "It was not my responsibility to win the war for you, only teach magic. And when my pupil disappeared, I had no more reason to come here. I explained this to you before I agreed to help. Please don't stoop as low as blaming me for your current situation."
    "Shut up," the young King responded through clenched teeth.
    Analia's eyes were hard as she looked at him, "I sense a new darkness in you Adrien. You do remember that anger and hate are what starts war, don't you?"
    "I do. And you know what else I recall? My old self. Not wanting to harm anyone, not even the assassin that came to kill me. I wanted peace. I didn't even want Rayland, the Kingdom attacking my own, to fall. All I wanted was for my people to be protected. For Effulgence to survive, and Rayland to be led by someone who cared about his Kingdom. I remember Daniel, caring only for himself. Manipulating his people to get what he wanted. Hating the world and killing without reason. And yet here he is, happily winning, getting everything he ever wanted while I suffer. While Effulgence suffers! So somehow, it doesn't matter what side of the war you're on! It doesn't matter how much you deserve something, it just matters how much you already have, and who you're willing to hurt to get more!" Adrien snapped. Analia only looked at him for a moment longer, before crossing her legs and leaning forward with her hands folded. He tried not to wince at the look of disappointment she gave him. It shouldn't have hurt that much, her opinion shouldn't even matter, and yet, it did.
    He met her eyes, and then, in Adrien's mind he saw himself climbing a cliff, rain pouring down so the rocks became slippery and hard to grip. He had no shoes or gloves, so the sharp edges cut his hands and feet, and eventually, he fell, his leg hitting a large and pointed rock, breaking his leg and slicing into it as well. For a moment, he searched for anything to grab onto, any way to pull himself up, but found nothing, so instead he lied there. Cursing at the storm and blaming the cliff for his fall. He was going to die, cold and alone; and completely broken. Just then, a voice came from the distance. It was strong as it yelled over the harsh winds and rain.    "Get up," It said as the rain poured harder"Get .Up." 
    "I can't!" Adrien cried, voice weak, "The rain made me slip and the rocks broke my bones!"
    "But you fell." The voice replied, "So get up."
    "But it isn't my fault I fell!"
    "That doesn't change the fact you're on the ground," The voice responded, "The wind may have pushed you, and the rocks may have hurt you, but in the end, you are the one who is going to die. You are the one who is going to suffer. You are the one who fell. So get up," Then, the young King watched as Analia stepped out, standing and looking down at him from the top of the cliff, the wind blowing back her hair and clothes as she smiled, "If you want to live, get up."
    Adrien snapped awake from the vision to see Analia back on the couch, smiling at him. What had she meant by all that? It may be easy for a cult leader to get up in that kind of situation, but it was more difficult when you had the King of Rayland holding you down.
    Adrien was still struggling to find a response when Alain stepped forward, "So, are you just here to lecture Adrien or do you have something of importance to say?"
    "Something of importance naturally. Analia doesn't just check up on people to lecture them." Both Adrien and Alain's eyes darted to the boy who had walked in wearing a smirk.
    "I thought I told you to wait outside," Analia said, pinning Calix with a glare, "No matter how many times I dismissed the idea, Calix still decided he wanted to come along for whatever reason, and I didn't feel like putting in the effort to stop him. Although," she growled, "I did make an effort to be sure he understood he was not to enter the castle."
    "My sincerest apologies, but you know how hot the summer sun is, and I couldn't help the urge to stop in and say hello to my favorite King." Adrien scoffed when Calix did a rather genuine looking fake grin to top off his lie. Just when Adrien thought Analia was the last person he wanted to see. The young King plopped into a chair and sunk into the cushion. Luck was never on his side. All but the short time he had Alyssa, and how he seemed to have so much hope and assurance. He could smile and not feel guilty, because he'd thought in the end his assassin would bring justice to those who'd lost their lives. He should have been thankful that even for a short while he had that hope. However now all he had was the bitter reminder, that happiness and peace didn't belong in a cruel world.
    Analia ignored Calix and went on speaking, "Actually, I'm here to bring news. About another cult who also seems to have their fair share of problems with Rayland. Apparently, five people from the Aigua cult went into the Rayland castle to rescue a boy who Daniel had been torturing. It's very rare we get involved with Kingdoms, so this is rather interesting. And funny thing, those same five are making their way to Effulgence. I found out because they contacted us for permission to cross our territory.I don't know what they want, but they might want business with you. They seem to have a quarrel with Rayland, so it may even concern the war. I thought Adrien may want to know about this."
        Adrien glanced over at Alain, who gave a startled look and then left the room.
    Adrien just turned his attention back to Analia, and said a bit excitedly, "I am. I really am. You say cults don't concern themselves with Kingdoms, but this is the second one that's sought out Effulgence. I have to say I'm a little amused. I really am curious to see what they want."
    "I wish I could tell you," Analia said with a sigh, "Our cult has had alliances and communication with Aigua in the past, however it's been a while. From what I know of, unlike the other four cults, they don't have three leaders. They're actually missing them.I don't fully understand it, but they temporarily have one person leading the cult in their place. Aigua likes to keep low and stay off the radar, so I don't fully understand their situation.You will have to let me know once you find out." Adrien nodded, and then turned his head as Eugene rushed into the room, face pale.
    The young King raised an eyebrow, "Are you alright? What is going on?"
    "I'm not entirely sure who these people are your majesty, but one of them is armed. They say they wish to speak with you."
    Adrien and Analia rose, quickly following Eugene to the front of the castle. Brutus joined them, sword in hand. It wasn't clear whether these people were trying to threaten Effulgence, but the Captain of the guard couldn't be sure, especially with the war going on. Calix came running up from behind, and Brutus turned his head to snap, "Go back to the other room, kid, we don't know who these people are, they might be dangerous."
    Calix ignored Brutus's order and caught up, walking beside him with a smirk, "So naturally I want to be there to protect you."
       Brutus scowled, for a moment considering to yell or drag him back into the lobby, however, along with his obnoxious arrogance there was a determination in his eyes. He wasn't about to back down, and something about that caused Brutus to have a bit of admiration. So he didn't say anything else.
    When reaching the front, Brutus saw his men surrounding a group of six. The female was armed, but her hands were in her pockets, and the other five were simply exchanging annoyed and bored glances with the guards. Brutus put his hand on his sword just to be safe, but Adrien motioned for him to remove it. It seemed Adrien still brushed away any form of caution. The young King waved the guards away and walked towards the group, only the youngest boy, around the age of fourteen, seemed a little intimidated by the King's presence. As for the rest, it may as well have been a fly approaching.
    Darryl narrowed his eyes as the first man stepped forward and began speaking. "My name is Darryl;I am the current leader of the Aigua cult, though not one of our three," turning around, the man brought the youngest boy forward, "Calvin, on the other hand, is. Though he's only recently rejoined us, and still needs some training. We lost our three cult leaders years ago, and having them returned to us is our ultimate goal. His sister, Alyssa, is also one of our lost three. Calvin said she's here. So we came to retrieve her."
    Adrien's eyes were dark, and voice was low as he said, "Alyssa isn't here. She was taken from us weeks ago." He folded his arms, "And even if she was here, the last thing I would do was hand her over to a bunch of strangers. She was our best assassin, and our only hope of winning the war. She's gone now, however, so you're wasting your time by coming here."
    Darryl opened his mouth to respond when Analia said, "Don't mind his bluntness. The loss of Alyssa may cost him his Kingdom. He's at war, and is on the verge of losing."
    Adrien angrily spun around, "Well if--"
    Analia cut him off,"Silence. You are in the presence of two cult leaders. Your voice and opinion hardly matters. Wait until you have been given permission to speak." Brutus scowled at them; it was ridiculous, how these magic freaks thought themselves much higher than the King of Effulgence.   
"It's unfortunate to hear yet another Kingdom will be crumbling in the hands of that psychopathic king. However I do not have time to waste. My priority is finding Alyssa. Do you know who took her?"
    "Rayland guards." Adrien muttered bitterly.
    Darryl's eyes narrowed,"I hope Rayland knows they are in for it, after messing with not one but two of our cult leaders."
    "What do you plan to do?" Analia asked suspiciously.
    Darryl smiled,"It'd been years since I've seen you Analia, and you were a young child at the time, but just as headstrong, and honestly intimidating, as you are now. Don't worry, our cult doesn't plan on making any rash, destructive, or unreasonable decisions, and will of course be discussing any actions we plan on taking with not only your cult, but the Heiwa cult as well. As our oaths bind us to do."
    "Oaths can be broken."
    "It's never good to simply assume others will break promises, is it?" Darryl put a hand on Calvin's shoulder.
    "I suppose that's true," Analia muttered.

Alain threw his sword over his shoulder, and sprinted from his room and towards the entryway of the castle. He knew Brutus and his men were accompanying Adrien as he spoke to these strangers, but that didn't stop Alain from rushing to his friends side to ensure with his own eyes he was safe. There was no one he trusted more than Effulgence's guard, but with the war going on, and every other threat on Adrien's life that came of him being King, Alain preferred to be near his friend whenever he was in the face of possible danger. He feared Adrien being King would kill him someday, and knew it likely would. As much as Adrien deserved the throne, to rule over Effulgence. He knew it was Adrien's job to encourage them, and lead them, but he hated the thought of him dying for them. It was selfish, he knew that. The fact that he would rather watch thousands of people suffer than watch his friend lose his life, but Alain was selfish, always had been. Adrien was the selfless one, who would turn the world upside down to save even one of his people. His father had been the same. There truly had never been two better kings.
    Alain found himself slowing down into a fast paced walk as he entered the room where his friend stood, talking to a group of people with low voices so Alain couldn't quite make out what they were saying. He began making his way over and then suddenly stopped, his face pale and hands beginning to tremble. Adrien was fine, simply conversing with the group in front of him. It wasn't him who'd caused this panic to rush in making him want to bolt from the room. It was the look of horror he got, as he locked eyes with the girl from his dream

The Darkened Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें